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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. That is what I have in mine and it is about the same size. You only need one end hot.
  2. I am using a metal one from Ebay bought on my behalf for a lot less than that.
  3. What do they feed them on when in captivity? Lovely bird in the wild.
  4. I have used the clip onto the tube variety, can't remember the brand name but came from the local pet shop. If you want to only fill one terrarium you can temporarily replace the expensive reptile tube with an old or cheap one to make the good one last a bit longer.
  5. What is with the universal voltage ---120v/220v? It must be one or the other and can't be both. The solenoids make a noise as they turn on and off but that is all. They also get warm when the power is on to them as well. You can buy splitters on EBay if you have a bigger tank and want to use more than one diffuser.
  6. You need to ask yourself if you would prefer them to survive or thrive.
  7. Tolerate may be a better word. Some fish or animals may tolerate conditions outside of what they generally prefer but usually only for a short time and generally they do not do well. A bit like trying to work out why growing tropical fruit in a snow storm causes problems. Tropical fish are tropical fish.
  8. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  9. That is exactly what I have done. The disadvantage is that both lights have to operate at the same time. You cannot just turn one off. I am using the 40 watt variety.
  10. You could put poly around the enclosure and just leave a couple of small vents.
  11. alanmin4304


    Must be a Christchurh snail that lost its home in the quake.
  12. That would be good on a thermostat. You can buy just the ceramic bulb holder and ceramic heat emitter cheaper than that and they are good too if you keep them away from access by the reptiles. I have used both and they are OK but the thermostat is a must in my view.
  13. Welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here.
  14. Most of the aggression with male killies is display. I have not seen a lot of damage done and have had hundreds of male and female killies in the same tank and also display tanks with a half dozen different varieties of all male killies.
  15. Welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here.
  16. Thanks, looks like I might have to do the ebay thing.
  17. Don't forget that you need a top one and a bottom one---they are different, and I think they come in 5 metre lengths (a good excuse for building more enclosures and getting more reptiles.
  18. Will the first one connect to standard air hose sized tubing? (I have been using hospital oxygen tubing which is about the same size as normal air hose). I am after a bit more fine tuning as my system doesn't seem to want to flow at a constant rate.
  19. Do they attach to the bottle or are they on the tubing?
  20. I have been having problems with my pressurised CO2 system in maintaining a constant even supply of gas. Where abouts can I buy a needle valve in order to get finer control over the gas flow?
  21. Where did you get the plant from? It is not glosso.
  22. Jaeger are good but not cheap. Any brand of 100 watt heater will use 100watts while it is on.
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