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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. If you have four tubes and the plant is not properly established you would be best to cut the light output in half as you have done or cut the photoperiod down to about 7 hours or both until the plants are established and using more nutrient. You can then increase both slowly as the plant growth increases. Swords usually take a wee while to establish again after being moved. I am guessing that the three new plants are Echinodorus ozelot, rose and uraguayensis (psychic eh)
  2. Was offered the place but out of my league. I heard the new owners even plugged the bore.
  3. Red is Cabomba furcata and green is caroliniana. Red is not easy to grow and probably why there is not much about
  4. It is a bit tricky if you haven't had it for 30 years. I was just pointing out that it has been around for a long time. Needs good light to do well.
  5. You are on to it. They had the ideal setup. Hot water well and plenty of it. Now motels I heard.
  6. I was selling red cabomba to the shops over 30 years ago---came from Welcome Bay.
  7. I think you will find that it will be used by many to add a bigger increase than GST with the excuse (rightly or wrongly) that the prices have been held for some time.
  8. How good are you at picking around all those bones with chopsticks?
  9. Send it down here. It might stop some of the neighbourhood cats doing their thing on our garden (permanently?)
  10. They are the parts that are broken on mine so if you wish to sell them I would be keen (as p44 says--Pro 11 series).
  11. Us Nigerians are not all dishonest you know. Some of my best friends are Kiwis
  12. My thoughts would be that if it wants to brumate, is well fed and in good condition, turn the heat and lights down, stop feeding it and let it brumate properly..I don't touch mine when they are brumating. I leave a container of water so they can drink or hop in it if they wish. Mine generally don't drink from bowls.
  13. When they decide to brumate they will only do it properly if the light period and heat is reduced. During this period they should not be fed as the temperature will not be high enough for them to digest their food so it will rot in their gut. They normally brumate over winter when the light is less and it is colder. It is a handy mechanism when there is no food around.
  14. What other fish do you have in the tank?
  15. That I could believe. Salmonellas are serotyped locally often but will only be accepted as correct when confirmed by the National Health Institute. Maf records seem to be non existant and I would wonder if the Human and animal health people ever talk to each other. I did a case years ago of Salmonellosis in a world renown poultry consultant who was travelling the country and lecturing all the poultry people. It was a strain never found in NZ before but common in poultry in Australia. I may have a bad memory but I don't recall being asked to "put the guy down."
  16. If I remember correctly the work done by Heidi indicated that about 10% of turtles had Salmonella and about 80% of beardies. In a previous life I have investigated Salmonella cases contracted by people playing with native lizards in huts on the west coast walking tracks (Salmonella St Paul I think). There are a number of serotypes in the native and exotic lizard populations. There is also Salmonella indemic in the sparrow poulation down this way as was psitticosis in the feral pidgeon population. If people can contract it from lizards the same in the converse is true and there are not many flush toilets on the west coast walking tracks. Was it not a previously unknown in NZ serotype of Salmonella that brought about the demise of the iggies. Salmonella is motile but it cannot fly so it would require some assistance to get to NZ. I hate to picture a mature male iggie in someones undies but I could see some retard with a baby.
  17. Cambodia is a country and you may find it on the map spelled Kampuchia. It is one of the countries the SAS did not enter during the Vietnam war.
  18. I think only red was imported was it not. There are a number of colours available. Put a black light on them and you will see.
  19. Sounds great. Won't be long and you will have sore fingers again.
  20. Only Maf can declare what is legal and what is not and why would theY put money and resources into sorting that when they can declare something illegal at a whim. It is not only Maf either---The Regional Councils are the ones moving on the Blue tounges.
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