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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Rubra means red so are they not the same?
  2. birds usually don't sit on the eggs other than to lay another egg. When they have laid them all they will sit on them and the eggs will then all hatch at about the same time. They may be young and have not got the process right yet. Birds like quail will lay eggs all over the place and then gather them up into a nest and start sitting on them.
  3. When in my eary twenties I was a shift foreman in charge of a dozen or so people in a factory with very dangerous machinery and a guy turned up to work on one of the most dangerous machines in an obviously drunk state. I said that if he went home I would tell the boss that he had rung in sick but that I would only do it once. He kept asking if I was firing him and I kept repeating what I had said. In the end I fired him. If you allow that to continue he will kill/injure himself or someone else. You did exactly the right thing and the 2ic is an idiot and should not be in the job. In case you think I am a wowser, I am an alcoholic that gave it up about 8 years ago
  4. Is this the blowfly with a yellow belly like the ones I have been feeding to my frogs? They may have had their brains eaten out and that is why they forgot how to breed. Only the second sentence is the joke.
  5. Surely maggots would be digested in the gut, they would not be resistant like a protected egg.
  6. Rubbish--another urban myth. It would not be very easy for a blowly to lay eggs after it had been bitten in half, or if it did the eggs would be digested. They are not the best in terms of food value but I would think they would be totally harmless other than the potential to carry diseases. I have fed blowflies, houseflies and maggots to frogs without a problem.
  7. I built my own from untreated ply with glass doors in the front
  8. Time will tell in the end. These are the guidelines for the process and it will depend a lot on how these guidelines are enforced. There are certain requirements after certain percentages of fatalities occur but there are also discretions and it is how these are operated that will determine the real outcome. There are approved fish which are not imported at the moment because they are "too riskey" and for other reasons as well. When this process settles in it may be that the types of fish imported will change again.
  9. Sorry, I meant the plant between the windowlov and the driftwood
  10. Party time. It could be motivation to shoot over them thar Bombay Hills.
  11. What is the plant on the right hand side in front of the driftwood?
  12. We could get rich charging them heaps to dispose of their radioactive waste. It would be easy to tip it down some of the big cracks in Canterbury that go down for kilometers.
  13. I only have a couple that I want to keep. It goes nuts in high light and ferts but did not do well in my low light setup.
  14. H. difformis needs reasonable light to convert from emersed to submersed. It will sometimes do that in low light if you float it. E. uraguayensis will grow to 600mm and take over your tank but will remain submersed, ozelot needs reasonable light to bring out the colour (the green may be OK but I have not grown it).
  15. The animals and indigenous peoples have no doubt lived for thousands of years quite happily without power or minerals so they are not as important to life as we frequently tell ourselves.
  16. Most cichlids will keep relocating the fry.
  17. They frequently mate on top of the nestbox so you need to leave enough headroom or he may end up prematurely bald.
  18. All birds are different. I used to breed all sorts of lovebirds and could handle the chicks with no problems whereas alexandrines I only had to look in the nest and the mother would desert them.
  19. Us Ngai Tahu are the only only true believers who don't use the H. I thought you northeners were all into the H big time. We have kowai trees and you have Kowhai trees so what is going on? Is it that the mayor does not spell well? The mail seems to get through either way.
  20. What temperature are you incubating each at and will that hopefully give you male or female? Could you have put both in the one incubator?
  21. The closer you get to the nest they tell you warm or cold by the level of excitement and the extent of the "injury"
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