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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Where did you get your scoria from?? Loving this look !drool: I've asked the local garden centre here and they were no use to me, surprise surpirse :dunno:
  2. I use the normal gravel vac when I do water changes, then top the tank back up with this awesome invention my husband made me Works a treat, water changes done on 3 tanks in no time at all this part goes onto the tap this part goes into the tank Easy as to make too
  3. Not so hard to ship then if only a fighter, I would do it for you but, unfortunately I'm not in Auckland :roll: Did this for a fishy friend down south when she was into breeding fighters, couldn't get hold of much stock down in Invercargill so I shipped a few down to her. Good Luck
  4. Looks fabulous :thup: :bounce:
  5. Looking awesome 4 kids under 5, Hmmm you sound like me 20 years ago, 4 Sons in 5 years, man it makes me feel old, they're now 23, 21, 20,18. Enjoy them while their young, they grow up way toooooooo fast.
  6. Hmm, thinking maybe you know my son, he was into tack racing etc He used to own a Orange Honda Civic, 500hp at the Fly Wheel, changed the head on his B16c motor to a B18c with forged internals etc was a right little flyer, Preformance Car Magzine did an article on him and his Civic a few years back.
  7. Awesome stuff will keep watching :spop:
  8. My memories abit like that at times :roll:
  9. My husband has had that exact thing happen We were on one wage at the time, with 2 small boys, expecting the 3rd baby boy, he ploughs into a rear end of a brand new Nissan Sentra, Insurance company said it was a right off, we had no insurance, as couldn't afford it on one wage, we are still paying for it 20 years later at $7 a week :roll: We ended up with no car as it wasn't worth while fixing our Mitsi Galant, so ended up having to buy a new car as well. Tell my 4 boys now, NO INSURANCE = NO CAR We have found the best place to go for modified cars is NAC. All my boys have modified vechiles: Nissian Skyline GTR Honda Accord Euro Type R Toyota Supra TT Mitsi GTO TT They are obviously all Males and under 25 on Full licences, we have found NAC prices aren't to bad. Some Insurance Company prices are ridiculous :roll:
  10. Hate it when people pull out into those medium strip thingy's :evil: I know thats apparently what they are there for, just don't see the point of it really, why sit in the middle of the road waiting for an accident to happen :roll: Never use them, would rather sit and wait untill I can get to where I need to go in one move
  11. Awesome Video and good onya for doing the 1/2 marathon Are they actually fighting?? I have 3 sets of 3 Electric Yellows doing that same thing at the moment Thought they were just having a good time, playing ringa ringa rosey :slfg: There has never been any contact with each other as far as I can tell.
  12. Any idea's who she is insured with??
  13. Have to agree with Ryan Good Luck with it, can be such an inconvience to have something like this happen, you will have to choose out of whoever they give you to do the repair work. Have to say, "3rd party fire and theft is an absolute must"
  14. Just a thought :roll: Have you wormed them recently??
  15. Wow, I'm sure it looks amazing My fishy's are doing weird things at the moment too, but then again it maybe normal behaviour for them, lots of things I need to learn about my new fish. Electric Yellows: I have about 3 groups of 3 that seem to like to play ringa ringa rosey all day long :slfg: Ice Blue Male: He doesn't seem to like the sand in his rock cave, so he's moving it on out, looks weird, all you see is this puff of white sand come out of his rock cave, but no sign of the Fish :lol:
  16. Oh well time will tell :dunno:
  17. Things can certainly change when Discus are guarding their eggs. Did this behaviour only start when the Discus laid?? When did you do your last water change??
  18. Hence the reason why I've ordered 20 Twisted Val plants Hoping this will be enought to keep the algae at bay :dunno: We'll see what happens :-?
  19. Yes phoenix I know how I HATE algae :an!gry I have a feeling you are going to tell me something I don't want to hear :dunno:
  20. Special Thanks goes to fishy-fish for suppling me with these awesome awesome Malawai's :thup: After removing all of the fruit salad gravel from the bottom of the Tank and doing a major clean up, whic included several water changes to get rid of all the settled muck on the bottom of the tank floor befroe going thru and slowly adding in the silica sand and the rock, which where collected from the Otaki River. There a pics here of the Tank after setup and after adding my Gorgeous Fishy's Loving my New Setup. http://s712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/lyndyloo1965/
  21. Definitely looks like some awesome reading in there, may have to print it too :thup:
  22. Big Happy Birthday to you Adrienne :bounce:
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