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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Hi Guys, I'm just doing abit of research on a few different species of fish, I'm finding alot of conflicting info, so thought I would ask you guys what your thoughts are. I'm wanting a few extra species in my Malawai Tank, at the moment I have RedTop Ice Blues, Electric Yellows and Demasoni's, can I put either of these in wit my Malawai's. I realise they are not from Lake Malawai. Species are: Julidochromis regani and Neolamprologus leleupi Any help would be very much appreciated.
  2. Cory's are very active wee fella's mine do things like that all the time. I'm sure they're fine.
  3. I have a 620T. I bought a longer piece of clear tubing from Mitre 10 to go onto the end of the Gravel Vac so I can then syphon it out the Window, I then pop the Vac into the Tank and suck on the Hose untill it starts to syphon, simple as, you will get to know how hard to suck before you get a mouthfull of fishy water. Good Luck
  4. Can I ask, Are the rocks just sitting on top of each other or have you glued them together?? :dunno: My tank is full of rocks balancing on top of one another for my Malawai's, I do worry about them digging up the sand then Crash, they all come tumbling down resulting in a damaged tank :tears:
  5. Awww man I'm in :love: again Psuedotropheus Aurora, what little stunners they are. Got any spares fishy-fish :sml1:
  6. Wow, Congrats on your Electric Yellow holding, I also have Electric Yellows and Dem's, but haven't had any at the holding stage yet so can't give you any answers to your question. I was interested to see that you have Brichardi's in with your Electric Yellows and Dem's, can you tell me how they all get on together, as I would love to add some Brichardi to my Tank. Good Luck with your Girl. Lynda
  7. Looks like I've found the answer to my question Says on a Cichlid Forum, they should be ideally kept in a species only tank, if wanting to put into a community tank, do not put in with Malawian's :roll:
  8. Does anyone know if these can be kept with Electric Yellows and Dem's ?? Really would love some of these awesome little Fella's.
  9. Love Brichardi's, think they are one of the most graceful cool looking Fish. Someone got an awesome deal, I say.
  10. Next step would be Furan 2 I guess, maybe give them abit of a break from the meds, keep up with water changes everyday with abit of salt. Maybe start Furan 2 in a week or so. Good Luck
  11. Awww Gorgeous Cat Karina :love: Not liking the above pic at all :an!gry Poor little kitty :an!gry
  12. Glad its all coming together for you now, can be a right pain in the A*** I would highly recommend going to see an Osteopath about your neck, costs should be covered by ACC, you don't have to be referred to by a Doc either. I've had fantastic results with my Osteopath. Went to a Chiroprator a few years back for the same problem, I found there treatment to be very harsh. Good Luck, hope you get it sorted soon.
  13. What temp do you have the tank at??
  14. Small things amuse small minds I guess :slfg: I had 1 of my 4 cats catch a cicada one day, then decided to sit there and eat it in front of me, after me turning away in disgust, I turned back to have a look when I thought she had finished eating it, to have her sitting there with the cicada making the noise they make after she had tried to swallow it, man it was awful, she sat there for ages trying to swallow it down :dunno: Must have got stuck half way down her throat :sml1:
  15. :sml1: I actually thought it was :facepalm:
  16. They do have a Cat Cake Tin but then again it's saying pick up only from Birkenhead. "These products are only available for pick up from our store in BIRKENHEAD we do not send them anywhere." Good Luck in finding one
  17. My ex-boss has a HSV walkinshaw, I could get used to the window controls if I had one of them
  18. Have to agree, stop all the cemicals your using, your Tank will cycle eventually, this is were the patients comes in. Rome wasn't built in a day
  19. Stunning stunning Fish :bounce: :bounce: :nfs:
  20. I thought you had to be importing so many thousands of $$$ worth before Customs start questioning you.
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