I'm happy to do it, I'm up in Palmy tomorrow (Tuesday) and again on Thursday.
Hmmmm only thing is:
If I pick up on Tuesday, that means they wont be shipped untill Wednesday night, problem is I'm working Wednesday afternoon so shipping then probably isn't going to happen and if I pick up on Thursday, they won't be shipped untill Friday night, which means they going to be sitting round for the weekend in a depot, this isn't suitable for the fish.
Would rather pick up, Tuesday or Thursday, have them here for a few days, then ship out to you the following Monday or Tuesday.
So in the mean time I'm going to have to pop them somewhere, I do have a spare tank I could set up to pop them into :roll:
Alot of mucking around for a few fishy's That I wouldn't mind keeping myself :thup:
Let me know if your still keen.