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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. WOW Exciting Stuff :bounce: Good Luck
  2. If you go for the Discus, you realy need to go for a group of 5-6 Discus don't like to be on their own, would rather be in with a few of their own kind. They would fit in nicely with the Rams and Corys, Rainbows would be nice too.
  3. He could of at least said "Thank You" :sml1:
  4. WOW, that was easy :sml1: I've learn't something new today, and so has henward
  5. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Wonder how much work gets done there :roll: I'd be fish gazing alllll day
  6. Wow :happy2: Congratulations Lots of water changes, can feed the yolk of a boiled egg in very small amounts
  7. Animates 303 Church Street Palmerston North Wet Pets 729 Tremaine Ave Palmerston North Awesome Display Tanks at Wet Pets, a must see
  8. Looks Fabulous Well Done
  9. I'm happy to do it, I'm up in Palmy tomorrow (Tuesday) and again on Thursday. Hmmmm only thing is: If I pick up on Tuesday, that means they wont be shipped untill Wednesday night, problem is I'm working Wednesday afternoon so shipping then probably isn't going to happen and if I pick up on Thursday, they won't be shipped untill Friday night, which means they going to be sitting round for the weekend in a depot, this isn't suitable for the fish. Would rather pick up, Tuesday or Thursday, have them here for a few days, then ship out to you the following Monday or Tuesday. So in the mean time I'm going to have to pop them somewhere, I do have a spare tank I could set up to pop them into :roll: Alot of mucking around for a few fishy's That I wouldn't mind keeping myself :thup: Let me know if your still keen.
  10. Remove the Leaf they are on and pop it into a container that you can float in the main tank if you don't have a tank suitable to pop them into. Also pop in airstone to keep the water circulating gently. Once they are free swimming they will feed on their egg sac for around 3 days, so don't feed them before they have used up their egg sac. When I was breeding Angels, the basic things I did were: 3 x water changes daily (They only need to be in a small amount of water, maybe round 10cm or so). Feed them up and BBS, 4-5 times a day, or small pinch of boiled egg yolk. Very cool to watch them grow into their Angel shape as they get older. Good Luck
  11. Aww, Sorry to hear the sad news :tears: I've tried saving many a wee birdy that the cat has bought in, think I've succeded with a couple out of Lord knows how many, but as I say "Saving a couple has got to be better than saving none". Stress is a big killer in birds :roll: My 4 Cats now have bells on their collars
  12. There goes that assuming someone is a she/he :roll: Think we went through this awhile back, quite funny really how we just assume it's a male or female :lol:
  13. Silk Plants that you can buy now, can look very real, used to have them in my Severum Tank a few years back. Tanks looking good fishy-fish Have just added 30 Twisted Val plants to my Malawai Tank, lets hope they last :roll: Got a heap of Java Fern thats just arrived this morning to pop into the Tank too, Thanks to Zuri08
  14. WOW good score, what you going to put in it??
  15. I use sintered glass media in all my Canister Filters, wouldn't use anything else, used to use the Bio Balls, but find the Sintered glass way better
  16. Try adding a few drops of Wunder Tonic, fantastic stuff works everytime
  17. I used to syphon my Angel fry up with abit of air line tubing, worked a treat. Looking great
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