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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Hi guys, I bought a couple of new plants from Animates yesterday, they are in plastic pots which are filled with some type of foam, do I take them out of the plastic pot thingy and the foam before planting?? Never quite know which is the right thing to do when it comes to this :facepalm: You thoughts on this is very much appreciated
  2. Some people use this as a preventative to stop the eggs/fry getting fungus, so shouldn't be any harm to the fry if they arrive earlier than expected.
  3. Have filled my AR980 with Electric Yellows, Demasoni and Red Top Ice Blues, looks fabulous :happy2: Have had several different looks previous to tmy Malawai's, but ahve to say they would be the most atice, just :love: them. Look forward to photo's when you got it sorted :bounce:
  4. :sml1: My answer to that was $8.50 :roll: I like your answer better Alan :slfg:

    Discus Fish

    Certainly well worth paying good $$$$$ for good quality Discus :thup:
  6. Awesome, picked up a couple today from Animates that look very smilar to this plant, even though no-one could tell me what it was :happy1:
  7. They become very very round when they are ready to drop :slfg: For platies and mollies the only way to tell how far into the pregnancy the fish is, is by seeing how fat they are, platies and mollies which are about to spawn will seem almost square from the back view and will be very swollen in the middle. Wunder tonic is a 3 day treatment, I would be doing it before the fry arrive, I don't think it will harm them while they are still inside her.
  8. Furan 2 I would give the Wunder Tonic ago before the Furan 2.
  9. Welcome Back :thup: AR 980's are great Tanks, I have one myself, never had any issue's with it, would recommend replacing the filter for an external one depending on your stock level Look forward to hearing what you are going to stock. Lynda
  10. Download to Photobucket Account first, then post pics on here :thup: If you don't have a photobucket account you will need to set one up Look forward to seeing photo's.
  11. http://www.trademe.co.nz/a.asp?id=452259789&cc=602&pid=144717985&hbc=&ct=link Thanks Lynda
  12. Ohhhhh Man :an!gry Is thats what's happened to all my Twisted Val, it's melted :an!gry Bought 20 plants and have next to nothing left &c:ry
  13. I also have an Ar 620T, which I run a DIY CO2 system on. Can find the depth of the AR620T abit of a pain, hard to get the right amount of light to the plants below.
  14. Sounds like it had orginally turned into some type of fungus. Could give Wunder Tonic a go, it's the first thing I use when I have problems like that, fantastic stuff. Lots of water changes to keep the water nice and clean will also help. Good Luck.
  15. WOW looks fabulous Wish my plants looked like that, what ferts are you using?? Co2??
  16. I wanted to get the Val with the twisted leaves, thought that was what I ordered from my Pet shop a few weekds ago but ended up with the same Val thats in your pic. Is the Val with the Twisted Leaves still available?? Does anybody know??

    Discus Fish

    Discus are happier in groups of 5 or more, yes the will sort out who's the Boss. Loved my Discus when I had them, have now changed to Africans, alot more active than the Discus, I found Discus are more of a bobbing fish if you no what I mean. Yes, they can be kept in a Community Tank, as long as the Tank Mares are abit more docile, Discus do seem to get fright's easily, so slow moving tank mates are better for them.
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