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  1. 100% female Siamese fighter. 1. Head is narrow 2. Body is round from the gill and curve at the end near the tail. 3. Stomach is white/silvery colour 4. Egg spot is showing (Some Siamese female does not have egg spot showing - mine does not because it is a hardscale female) 5. No beard at the gill (males have black/dark red beard displaying even not flaring) 6. Body pattern changing when flaring (Male goes darker and does not have stripes) 7. Female Bettas stressing out quickly (showing horizontal lines) 8. Dorsal fin is too short/thin to be a male. Most importantly, this female is a Veil Tail Siamese by looking at her bottom fin and tail.
  2. I have heap of Daphnia but I'm in Hamilton
  3. Ahh old thread but just want to let you all know that all of my bristlenoses and Algae eater are healthy until today. I simply feed them Cucumber and some other fishes food that fall to the bottom. They are seemed to be doing just fine. Thank you all.
  4. Apology accepted Drift wood from the beach takes a long time to sunk to the bottom. I had one piece from the river and it took me 4 months to sink it
  5. Well just some reply to help you with the information that's all. But good luck with your sick fish
  6. I'm a Siamese Fighter expert Do what I told you and your fish will be happily and healthy ever after. Add some real plants in there, 20% water change once a day for 1 week and a bit of salt and if the condition still the same then add a few more grain of tonic salt the next day before changing water. If you can find old sun dried banana leaf then he'll appreciate it more than Indian almond leaves. Banana leaves will make the water kind of smelly but that is normal I only had fin rot once when my betta fry really small. It has ich and then fin rot but after I eliminate the problem my betta kind of immune to it until today. So yes my fish never have any fin rot I have lots of Java Ferns, Java Moss, Amazon Sword, Indian Ferns, duck weeds, Anubias nano and anna and some other floating one. Cause of fin rot may be due to stress or immune system of the fish is getting to weak. Always feed bloodworm at least once a week or live foods even better. Feed variety of foods to keep him healthy and less picky later on. Bettas doesn't really like too much light. Usually they hide underneath the lotus leaf, water hyacinth, water lettus, oxygen weed and floating dead leaves in their natural environment in South East Asia. And usually the longer fin Siamese Fighters are prone to get fin rot easily. The Plaket or wild one won't get fin rot that easily. OH! Most importantly I have more than 20 Bettas in each tank currently. Before I had about 100-150 per tank, yes it is a lot, all that is from one batch.
  7. Couldn't find any in Hamilton area. Pretty rare here because of too many pesticide being used by farmers. I also contacted Gold fish bowl but they don't have any either.
  8. Ahh you have a lot of these little guys? Did you get from the fish store or you caught them from the backyard (somewhere in TA)? I'd be interested in finding them too.
  9. Hello guys, I'm wondering if the water came out of my aquarium is safe to culture Daphnia? I added a bit of salt into the water (1 half a teaspoon to 50L) and I'm thinking of using this fish water to raise daphnia. But from what I read is that Daphnia will filter the salt in the water and will kill it. So before I start killing them, I am wondering if I can use this waste water for a better good or not. Regards Maxx
  10. All my fishes are now HAPPY! Not sure why but bristlenoses are happy now than ever. They ate like a big V12 engine on Gasoline.
  11. I have similar issues with Bristlenose (8 death). But now everything in the tanks are happily married to the water. Guppies are swimming freely with the Siamese fighters (lol) and many other fishes. My Siamese fighters didn't even eyes-balling my guppies at all
  12. add some Tonic Salt to help kill bacteria + Temperature up to whatever the fish can stand (Slowly changing temperature to 28C?) Water change and more water change every day. 30-50% is ideal but do not forget to add slime coat and good bacteria supplements. Feed the fish just enough to eat within 5mins. Otherwise bacteria will boom even more.
  13. water change 20%-40% each day and add tonic salt will repel this white spots and ich. My baby fish was like this once but cured in a week after 50 died in a night hahaha.
  14. Do water change 25% each day and do not forget to add tonic salt into the tank. From what I can see is a bite mark.
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