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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. I watched a guy strip his Electric Yellow using the rounded end of a Paper Clip, there's a video clip on Youtube of him doing this. Looked fairly simple. Waiting for the day to come when I will need to do this :spop: Good Luck
  2. Going to look Fab, loving your substrate too :bounce:
  3. Wow, Cool pic, love the art work
  4. I guess the colour of the meth blue being blue will effect the colour :roll:
  5. Even if they just used the a piece of garden hose to sypon out what they can for now :thup: What sort of fish do they have?? I would have been happy to head down there for you, but have only just read this so I'm abit late now, Sorry :roll:
  6. Wow, Congratulations :thup: I'm still to experience the exciting time of having a Fish holding :cofn: Patience patience patience :lol:
  7. I have never trimmed Hairgrass when I have hda it in my Tank. The hairgrass I am talking about usually comes in the little black pots. I planted it in the pot that it came in, but still had the issue of bits escaping here and there.
  8. Yea it does look nice, just wanted to let you know it will leave strands of grass floating in your tank :-?
  9. I would certainly go with 2 Diffusers in that size tank, if you were going to go the diffuser way.
  10. Hairgrass can get messy, bits all grass floating round in the tank drove me insane, so I got rid of it.
  11. I just pop a teaspoon in a piece of zuchinni, pop it thru horizontally, then chuck in the tank sinks straight away.
  12. Thanks for the Info guys FF: Yes I certainly see a bigger tank on the Horizon, the problem is how do I get it past the Husband :roll:
  13. I've got a couple of big Black Line Flying Foxes in there and they seem to be fine with the Africans. Maybe the Algae Eaters I had were just to small, the Red Top Ice Blues have a descent size mouth so guess I've learnt my lesson as to what I can and cant put in with them, but on the other hand of that I have a couple of Otto's in with them and they're fine.
  14. Can anyone tell me what other algae eaters can I have in a tank of Red Top Ice Blue's, Electric Yellow's and Dem's. I had 10 Golden Algae Eaters in there, to find I now only have 1 big Fella left :tears: Obviously I put them in there to control any Algae that may arise in the tank, not as live fish food :an!gry
  15. You could try Furan 2 and see how you go, but to be honest I think you will wasting your time. I know a few of us tried several different things to try and solve the issue but NO LUCK.
  16. From what I remember the Spots don't get any worse they are looking now. Fish's health will slowly go down hill before it will eventualy die. No-one ever got to the bottom of what it actually was/is as far as I know. Didn't seem to effect any of the other fish in the same tank as the Rams. Sorry to be the bearer of sad news.
  17. I'm sure a few years back there was a thing going on with Rams. I had some and when they got these little things on their heads a few days later they were DEAD. I had a few that had this issue, so never bothered with them after that. I'm sure if you do a search on here the thread will come up regarding this problem. I'll go and have a quick look, if I find it I will let you know. Good Luck.
  18. Ok thanks for your thoughts Ryan, may think about it for abit longer before I decide :roll: Can you recommend any other spieces I could put in there??
  19. :sml1: Not as bad as I thought, but then again the Mods might not think that :an!gry
  20. 4ftr round about 250 ish Ltrs. Really only wanting say 3-4 females and 1 male. Have probably about 20 Electric Yellows a few Dem's and 12ish Red Top Ice Blues. Running a CF1200 External filter along with a Internal of 1000 lph. Do at least 3 water changes a week. Lots of hidey holes.
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