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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Haha, I just PM'ed him that, great minds think alike :thup:
  2. Very sweet looking Fish :love: Apparently they can be rather aggressive :-?
  3. Have to agree, I can keep Discus with no problems, come to Rams I'm no good at all :oops: Sorry to hear you have lost him &c:ry
  4. Ohhhh NO sory to hear the sad news &c:ry I don't know much about the type of fish you have but, I would think that the Male will happily choose another female,then hopefully the breeding will once again begin Time will tell I guess :cofn: Good Luck :thup:
  5. :slfg: I read the tank labels then look :slfg:
  6. Buggar, that's not sounding good, how's your male doing, did you manage to find him??
  7. I have a couple of those wee Fella's, they're great little fish, always so busy. Maybe ask if they can get them in for you, I'm sure they would be happy too.
  8. Why cant you use just the sand by itself, along with the JBL Root Balls for the Plants. That's all I've done and plants are doing fine.

    fry food??

    I just pop my bigger sized pellets into an empty salt grinder, and grind the food into the tank, does a great job. I also do this for my smaller Adult Fish.
  10. Yea have to agree, 1 is ait boring :slfg: I thought they were a reasonable price too :thup: Will see, not heading over too Feilding untill next week, so have then to think about it anyway
  11. Hmmm, will ponder on it abit longer :-? If I was to get some, I'm assuming they are better in a group?? But a group of how many?? Obviously not knowing which is male or female at this age, I guess it's just pot luck as to whether they get along when they get older or not.
  12. I couldn't even keep the Bolivian Rams alive, lord knows how many I went through, then I finally gave up :an!gry
  13. Thanks for your input Ryan I guess I'm not really going to no if they're going to be brown untill they colour up abit more?? Owner does mention that they're could be 2 different Dads, might be best I leave it, I do have some in the pipeline, just waiting for them to grow out
  14. Hmmm I have mine in a BB Tank at the moment, they are still alot darker than fishy fish's, sounds like we are feeding similar types of food too.
  15. Can someone please tell me what these fish are?? The guy selling them doesn't seem to know much about them. http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/fish/fish/tropical-fish/auction-458799363.htm Thanks Heaps
  16. My Rabbits and Cats used to be funny together. The rabbits would chase the cats, poor pussy's didn't no what to do :slfg:
  17. :slfg: Best you send me some down then :slfg:
  18. I'm beginning to think yours aren't common BN fishy fish. Your fry colour wise, don't look anything like mine Mine are certainly darker than yours and they have the white tips on their tails, yours clearly don't :dunno: Good work tho, they're looking fabulous, man they hoe down on the zucchini aye, they love it.
  19. Mine have the little white tip on the end of their tails Man they're so cute when they're babies :love:
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