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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Welcome to the Forums Harry, no question is ever a silly question :thup:
  2. Wunder Tonic might be good, I'm sure that treats fungus too. Also Formalin is meant to be good. Maybe up your water changes to 2 a day, be good to keep the water nice and clean, and it may heal on it's own.
  3. On home page, go to all items just under the Home Browae heading, click on all listings, scroll right down to the bottom and you will see Members. You can then click on Members and then pop in their trade me name :thup: Easy peasy :thup:
  4. A group of 6 is always a good place to start :thup:
  5. Doesn't come up with anything in Members listings for cheveyhot or chevyhot. Have checked expired listings for you too, nothing there either :roll: Maybe you will have to just wait for him to relist something. Good Luck
  6. Have to agree with Zuri08, Loving the Background Pic too :thup:
  7. Tank looks great I would transfer fish over as soon as you have FX5, Air pump, Heaters sorted. Most of your good bacteris etc will already be in your FX5, so you should be good to go. Just maybe get temp of new tank water similar to where they have come from, if going to pop them straight in Could possible check Ph levels to make sure they're similar as well but personaly I wouldn't worry to much about it. Good Luck.
  8. I've been tempted by these too, seems abit strange that he has sooooo many eggs?? Gorgeous wee fish. If I can track down a smaller tank I might have to grab some
  9. Poor wee fella, this is absolutely shocking &c:ry Hope you get well soon T Rex xox
  10. I sort of think of it as, There are people out there that are needing this blood, and if it wasn't for people like us that are willing to donate blood, then those people that need it would no longer be here. I think that far out ways the fact that I don't like needles, so just have to toughen up and bare with it for the short amount of time it takes to have blood taken.
  11. And the same as their Peanut Slabs yummmy, just in a piece if chocolate size Not that I can ever stop at 1 piece :roll:
  12. Well if you lie down when they take them, you will have less distance to fall :slfg: I used to faint when having blood taken :facepalm: seems to not worry me so much these days :thup:
  13. Next time the Give Blood Van is in Levin, I shall be there Thank You Squirt
  14. Yum Yum Yum :thup: Will have to pop it on the shipping list :bounce:
  15. Oh well at least there will be someone there to pick me up when I faint :oops: As long as I dont look at the blood coming out I'm usually fine
  16. Bummer, Obviously they don't know when to stop eating :roll: What size tank do you have them in?? Are they in the tank on their own?? Is the water aerated?? Cant really think of anything else :-?
  17. I don't handle having blood taken to well either :-? I sought of think about my Nan, who had a blood transfusion before she passed away 3 yrs ago &c:ry Unforunately Nan didn't make it &c:ry but I'm sure there are lots of people out there that need a transfusion and it save's their lives. So I will just have to toughen up won't I :roll: How long does it take to give blood.
  18. They're still looking very different to mine, Maybe I should post a pic of mine, so we can compare them
  19. Hello Caper, awesome to see you back
  20. Good on you, not many people your age would be donating blood, I wouldn't think. Have even been thinking about doing myself


    Very interesting little creature, never heard of this before. Great info in the Link
  22. Karina: Maybe do a couple of doses at 1/2 strength just to be safe
  23. Hmmm I thought Formalin was a steriliser?? I have never heard of it being used to treat White Spot. I would go with Wunder Tonic all the way, fantastic product.
  24. WOW, that's very Impressive Awesome work :thup:
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