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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Going of the idea of sand now phoenix :roll: Think maybe I'm better to go to a finer gravel that I can at least gravel vac I can always head out to Waitarere Beach to get sand instead of going all the way out to Himatangi.
  2. Don't think so, I watch the fish after I feed them and usually there's nothing left :dunno:
  3. Thinking about changing my substrate now :dunno: Maybe going to black smaller sized gravel, at least I should be able to gravel vac it then, the white silica sand looked fab to begin with but now it's not looking so hot :evil: All a learning curve
  4. !drool: !drool: Lots and Lots of little mouths to feed :slfg:
  5. Swimbladder or Constipation, maybe try feeding him some deshelled peas
  6. OMG thats shocking stuff. Post it on his Facebook page for all to see :an!gry
  7. Tried the Trumpet Snails, unfortunately my Malawai's thought they were very yummy :an!gry
  8. Look forward to seeing pics
  9. Sand is probably about 40-50mm at the back and 20ish at the front. I wouldn't have thought I would need to stir it up, as the fish continuously move it around. So what should I be doing now?? To be honest I'm finding the sand a right pain in the butt :an!gry At least with the gravel I could have a good poke around with the gravel vac to get all the crap out.
  10. Algae Wafers is what I feed mine, just the usual foods you feed your Plecos, BN's etc
  11. Hmmmm, no has a sort of rotten fish smell :facepalm:
  12. Yea, I did think it could possibly be abit fine Ira. Jasa: Bird Grit is Oyster Grit, isn't it, or is it not?? I don't know alot about Brid Grit to be honest :slfg:
  13. Big Congrats to ya :thup: Are they in a tank of their own or in a community set up?? You won't have much luck if their in a community setup, much better if you can have them in a tank on their own. Had my fellas breed in my community setup, man, such hard work for them havig to be on continual lookout for predators. Got mine to the stage of them feeding off the parents then overnight they disappeared :an!gry
  14. Hi Guys, Decided this afternoon I would re-arrange my Malawai Tank, upon removing the Rocks etc I noticed a disgusting smell, said to my son " Can you smell that foul smell" He replied "Yup, it smells like a dead puffer fish from out the beach" Have only had the sand in the tank for about a month, I do regular Water changes, usually twice a week, but don't probe into the sand just suck the crap off the top of it. Not sure what is causing this revolting smell, have checked for dead fish, have found nothing, have done a good waterchange, not sure what I should be doing next if anything. Could there be a build up of bad bacteria in the sand, giving it this shocking smell?? Beginning to think going from gravel to sand was not such a good idea.
  15. Hi Guys, I'm thinking of adding Bird Grit to my external filter system to up the PH for my Africans. Would the grade of this grit be to fine?? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=456523542 Thought of popping it into a stocking then popping into the filter tray.
  16. Congrats on your Betta Fry, WOW thats alot of fry :thup: I would be feeding upto 5-6 times a day, and doing daily water changes along with this. What size tank do you have the fry in?? You can use snails as the clean up crew, I used to use them when I was breeding angels. Wunder Tonic is usually what people use to prevent the Fungus of eggs, with plenty of good water change's I wouldn't think you would need it.
  17. I would replace a 1/3 a 1/3 and a 1/3 of the water each day with a good gravel vac of a 1/3 of the tank each day. Some people let their tanks get in a right state :an!gry poor fish :facepalm:
  18. Yea I was gutted, never had a breeding trio before then he goes and does that :an!gry Never mind hoping my other male will do the job just as good. Maybe better leaving dad out now if it's been awhile since he has been with his eggs, probably wont be long and they will be at it again anyway :thup: Good Luck
  19. I started freaking out the other night, was taking all the gravel out of my tank to replace it with sand. My BN wouldn't come out of his driftwood, to be honest, I didn't even see him in his little hidey hole, he blended in so well. I tried the, hold the driftwood out of the water and he will come out, nope that didn't work, tried leaving him out of the water for 30 mins still wouldn't come out. Had no other option but to pull him out :facepalm: Hard to believe they can stay out of water for 2 hours and still be ok.
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