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Everything posted by jude

  1. It's a cute little alien though. Congratulations
  2. She's probably sleeping after being up all night finding help for the park :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Hi Lucid I can't find the post where you were auctioning tank cleans. Would you and mystic and the kids be willing to come over and clean and move a big tank for me? I'll pay $50 for the park plus petrol money :)
  4. I've been blown away by all the ideas and offers of help here. It's been amazing. PLEASE everyone, consider putting some of these ideas into action because the park is now down to three weeks before the deadline. I am busy sewing a quilt to sell on Trademe but unfortunately, its not a quick project. The caring and support that's been shown here is heartwarming, renews my faith in the human race
  5. That is fantastic. Hopefully some local people will be able to help with it. Should this thread be moved to the main one, so its included with all the other information and suggestions? Cheers Jude
  6. Do you know anyone who subscribes to Consumer? They did a comparison of energy costs recently. I think the bottled gas came out cheapest but I'm not 100% sure of that. I looked at their web page but you have to be a member before you can view the information
  7. Thanks for that. I imagine that they are incredibly busy.
  8. Has anyone heard how Mark and Caroline are doing? I am assuming they are either rushed off their feet responding to people and enquiries, trying to organise legal stuff etc., or they are simply worn out and trying to recover. If anyone has heard, it would be good to know they are OK.
  9. I keep thinking about the future of the park and the overheads. Places like that must cost the earth to keep going, especially in winter when visitor numbers probably drop. I think its wonderful that so many are helping now, but what about ongoing support once the park is saved and its future more secure? I give a small monthly donation to Greenpeace and I've been thinking of cancelling it. They send me so much stuff through the mail that my donation probably only covers that cost, with nothing left for the important stuff. I've now decided that once the park is saved, I will cancel the Greenpeace donation and set up one to the LivingArt Park. It's only a small amount but at least it will be going somewhere where it can make a bit of a difference. Maybe others here could consider doing something similar?
  10. That is wonderful news. I have been worrying about them all day and thinking that in this case, no news was probably bad news. I am so thankful I was wrong. Ballistic, thanks for posting the news. I just thought I'd check once more before I went to bed and I'm glad I did.
  11. Nope. If I have to put up with this weather then I won't be happy until everyone else is suffering too :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. I watched and was impressed. But Wok, I think you got the 4 things wrong. I got confused because they also included movable type which, according to my fingers, comes to 5 great inventions. Perhaps paper and paint were included as 1 item. :)
  13. Is it International Talk like a Pirate day already? :lol: :lol:
  14. stwike him from the list, stwike him vewwy woughly I say
  15. Its part of Indonesia
  16. But don't get too excited - it was a pretty boring dream. He had put out a magazine full of interesting animal trivia, bad puns, and word puzzles. I woke up annoyed and stressed after spending what seemed like hours trying to find 'marsupial' in a wordfind puzzle, only to discover it wasn't really there!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. jude


    :lol: :lol: :lol: same thing happened to me. We had a Kent Log Fire and all our wallpaper split as the gib board dried and shrunk. It was so efficient most of the time we were too hot!!!!!!! I just got sick of hauling firewood around and wood is expensive unless you are young and fit and can collect/cut your own.
  18. jude


    We've had a DVS for years and I wouldn't be without it. The windows used to be covered in condensation and the water used to run off the sills. We don't notice a draught problem at all and if the ceiling temp gets too cold the fan shuts down. We do have a heater in ours but it is expensive to run. Sometimes I turn it on for an hour or two in the evening and it takes the chill off the house nicely - although we still need another heater to warm the place properly. I don't know the pros and cons of DVS vs HRV because HRV wasn't around when we installed this. One or the other of them would be the first thing I installed in a new house.
  19. lol mincie and get earplugs Ira :lol: :lol:
  20. That is fantastic Stella CONGRATULATIONS :bounce: :bounce:
  21. Sheeessshhhhh :oops: :oops: :oops:
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