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Everything posted by jude

  1. I had a cat who loved ear wax I never asked how my kids discovered that :roll: :roll:
  2. My son went. He enjoyed it, had heaps of fun, made new friends, and even managed to improve his public speaking!!
  3. :lol: :lol: :lol: good one, wok murphy
  4. It happened because she kept yelling at them to say cheese :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Was it a cooked corn cob or raw? We eat a lot of corn but we cook it first so I'm not sure whether to use it or not
  6. Oh no! I was looking uncomfortable in the heat today. I hope I don't wake up with puppies :roll: :roll:
  7. Hamish the Herring There is a beautiful white heron called Hamish who frequents the smokehouse cafe in Mapua, near Nelson. We started to take photos of him one day when and excited young man, American I think, said to me "His name is Hamish. He's a herring. We thought he was a swan or a pelican, but he's a herring. Do you think he looks like a herring?" That poor bird will always be Hamish the Herring in my mind now :lol: :lol:
  8. He obviously knows which side his fish is buttered on :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Looks like the trip was everything you were expecting. I'm glad you had a great time. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  10. Have fun Caryl and have a great day. We want pictures of the present please.
  11. Nope. It's her BIRTHDAY. And she is getting a very special present ............. hopefully pictures will be posted later. Happy Birthday Caryl. Have fun.
  12. And lmsmith is right too - he meant Streets ahead. You can streak ahead of someone but then you end up several streets ahead of them :lol: :lol:
  13. I forgot about it being marine! :lol: :lol: Yes it is awesome. It's several years since I've been there but it must be lit somehow because everything was visible
  14. Does the one at Milford Sound count? Milford Deep is very different from an aquarium Unlike an aquarium, the fish are free to come and go; it is the people who are contained. There is no feeding of fish. What happens here is completely natural and will be happening all over the fiord. Because visitors looking out of the windows are just part of life for this marine community, they just carry on unaffected. This provides a unique opportunity to closely view the real life situations deep below the surface of the fiord; quite different from the artificial environment of an aquarium. Deep Water Emergence phenomenon Overlaying the sea, a fresh water layer, the result of the high annual rainfall of the Fiordland area and the distinctive narrow shape of the fiord causes a phenomenon called "Deep Water Emergence". This creates a similar environment to the deep ocean, but at a much shallower depth within the fiord, allowing visitors the chance to see deep-sea species close up. Milford Deep is the only Observatory in the world where the unusual results of this phenomenon can be viewed. Visitors are continually amazed and fascinated by what they see: * Rare Red and Black Coral * Butterfly Perch * Anemones and Sponges * Scarlet Wrasse * Snake Stars * Crinoids and Zoanthids * Other deep water species
  15. Living Art, I thought you were going to offer to cover it with zebra stripes :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. The news just said its one degree away from 40 in Christchurch. I will try sending you a gentle cooling breeze - pity there isn't a sweating smilie 8)
  17. How long is she ditching you for? :lol:
  18. Not me. I've got a teenage grandson!!!! He ate until there was nothing left :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. Merry Christmas everyone and have a wonderful day
  20. Not working. Unless you count cooking and feeding all the family - and keeping the peace :lol: :lol: :lol:
  21. Yep, that worked. I went to the right address and now its remembering me - thanks Warren
  22. What is everyone doing on Christmas Day or is it just another stat holiday for you? Stress ......... no matter how hard I try to keep it simple :lol: :lol: Who will you be with? Family, which is nice. Where? Open house at my place all day Does youre family have any special Christmas traditions? Roast dinner, trifle and pavlova. This year the roast dinner is going west!!!!!!! What did you ask Santa for? Nothing, I let Santa decide
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