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Everything posted by jude

  1. Oh god, I'm going to have to learn to read properly. I read the link alan posted as cardaminely rata flower! Took me ages to work out what it really was :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. jude

    Hutt Pets

    I agree. Its a great shop and I've never had problems with fish from there. I'm really surprised, Caryl, that you didn't know they offered the discount because they've been giving it for as long as I've had fish (which isn't very long I know )
  3. lol gannet oops, I missed the bit about the guppy. Sorry to hear about the loss
  4. Providing the tank isn't overstocked and they aren't overfed they should be fine. My tanks, now they are stable, go for longer than that without water changes!
  5. Nice tank Gannet, congratulations. I don't want to start yet another angry, argumentative post, but could I ask that you say "my" gf, not "the" gf? Its just a pet peeve of mine - she's not a thing, she's a person I know its how people have always spoken, I remember people saying "meet the wife" thirty years ago. It annoyed me then and it annoys me now, even if the term isn't used intentionally as a put down. Cheers
  6. Tsarmina's cats are all well loved, well looked after, and very healthy. I'd take one of the kittens if we didn't already have three furry monsters :lol: :lol: :lol: Tsarmina, if the SPCA will do them cheaper and you can arrange for the kids to be looked after I'm sure we could take you and the cats in - if that would help. Doubt we could fit kids and cats into the car all at once :lol: :lol: :lol: Cheers
  7. jude

    Tiger Barbs

    no silly, red green ones
  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: Very funny Alanmin and wok Thanks Billaney but all I seem to have left are marks where the eggs were :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. ummmm bronze albino pepper and something else
  10. and now they are graffti-ing the windows. :lol: :lol: :lol: My fish are like teenagers - give them a nice room and they mess it up by digging up the plants! Now someone has dotted eggs all over the glass. I doubt they'll hatch because something is gonna eat them but I'm curious about which fish it was. From memory I have Gold Barbs Odessa Barbs Torpedo Barbs Cardinals Harlequin Rasboros Corydoras Bristlenoses SAE's Clown Loaches I'm guessing it might be the corydoras, does anyone have any suggestions? Cheers
  11. Only some of us are fishy! I am totally normal :lol: :lol: :lol: Welcome to the site, I'd recommend joining the Kapi Mana club too
  12. jude

    This or that

    tasty fountain pen or ballpoint
  13. jude

    Wangavegas Newbie

    Welcome, sounds like you've already found out how helpful these forums are :
  14. jude

    Big Tanks and MTS

    It wasn't me that said that - I would never 'assume' nobody got laid. I'm sure somewhere, someone got lucky :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And yes, its another beautiful day here - its about time we had a turn with the sunshine :)
  15. jude

    Big Tanks and MTS

    Maybe its time for everyone to count to ten. Some people are 'assuming' Joze was telling us what to do, others are 'assuming' she was offering advice. Nobody knows for sure so why waste time and energy over arguing the point? Do what I'm going to do - go out and enjoy the gorgeous weather while its still here.
  16. jude

    This or that

    female salad or steak, eggs and chips
  17. I get a very attractive moss like algae growing on some of my driftwood. It doesn't spread to the plants and looks good so I leave it. One of my tanks gets too much natural light and a lot of green algae on the glass. I peg an old curtain around it on very sunny days but leave the tank lights on. This works well for me as I can remove the curtain again in the evening when I'm home from work and can enjoy the tank. Maybe blocking out some of the natural light might work for your tank
  18. jude


    Doesn't matter a bit - and welcome
  19. jude

    Red Tiger Barbs

    Thanks Paul, they certainly are attractive
  20. I bought 4 of these from Wet Pets today. I've tried to find out about them on the net but all I could find is that they are not dyed and they are not found in the wild. Does anyone know anything about them? Cheers
  21. jude

    Hi all

    Hi and welcome. Sounds like a very advanced case of mts to me :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. jude

    hi there

    Hi and welcome to the forums
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