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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. Amazon Skiing or snowboarding?
  2. Windows. No comparison. Corals or plants?
  3. Worms don't usually bloat the fish, more show up with a concaved tummy. Also that fish looks extremely small for being 3 years old?
  4. Looks to be an Aponogeton Undulatus.
  5. 0,0,0 aren't normal water parameters. You should have some nitrates in an established tank. Unfortunately rams are a highly susceptible species to all types of diseases and ailments that doesn't effect most other fish. I dare say that it's too late to save him now from the look of him in that photo, kindest thing to do would euthanize it.
  6. It's the link to the thread that will teach you how to post a pic.
  7. Can pickup some cheap 2nd hand units now for around $50-100 each. Quick search on trademe shows these http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/f ... 505814.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/f ... 478513.htm
  8. I was just about to post that. Can pickup some cheap T5HO units now too that will do the job.
  9. Patience is a really handy asset to have in reefing. I wouldn't worry too much yet.
  10. Borneo suckers are cold water fish I thought? What temperature are you running?
  11. Silver dollar generally covers all the fish in the genus metynnis I thought.
  12. Is it a silver dollar lol?
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