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Everything posted by Trilobite

  1. Depends on the personality of your betta. I've had one tiny betta pick on an adult rainbow shark before. My mate has had bettas and glass cats with no problems. Her fighter is used to other fish though and doesn't percieve them as a threat to his territory. How does he act to the platty?
  2. forgot to add the photobucket link :facepalm: http://s1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd455/map130/bettas/ Thanks The blue guy is one of my favourites, he has some real ugly babies though...
  3. Is this what you're hunting for? I've got embarassingly copious amounts of betta pics you can use if you want 'em
  4. An interesting article about sex ratio distortions in Bettas. http://bettysplendens.com/articles/page.imp?articleid=1248 Basically it suggests Bettas are able to modify the sex of spawns. If you breed an old female to a young male you will tend to end up with more males. However, if you breed a young a female to an old male you will get more female offspring. :smln:
  5. Wow good job. He recovered very fast
  6. Very good choice Chrispy - Predator
  7. How dissapointing... Why did they make some of the bugs sound like sheep...very wierd
  8. That looks awesome! especially with all the neons. Good job!
  9. Theres a fish on trademe that im quite intrested in however, the owner isnt to keen on shipping. Is there anyone in Manukau city who could collect and ship the fish to chch if i win the auction? Thanks
  10. I've seen common old veil tail fighters for sale for $50. they were nothing special just the blue ones you see all over the place. I dont think they got sold though.
  11. Cute! :love: I adore bunnies my mate has a "dwarf lop"? that looks like a circle. shes trained it to walk on harness
  12. C'mon lets see your pets Heres my dog Louis
  13. Obviously one of these :thup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAiCRuK98ig But i dont think you can go wrong with enya. I've always thought the spiderman movie theme to be kinda suited for such an occasion... :smln:
  14. You pretty much summed MDF up in one sentence right there :lol:
  15. +1 Bit jealous that you get to look at that everyday. You've done an amazing job on your tank. If you ever end up in chch I'd even pay you to fix my tank :lol:
  16. Trilobite

    4 months

    Welcome aboard! :thup:
  17. That guy is my hero :sml2:
  18. i just sat it out, it felt quite small in the eastern suburbs not even water loss from the tanks, some people are out of power though in burnside and avonhead. but it wasnt big enough for uni to have to be closed exam tomorrow and here i am procrastinating on a fish forum... :cofn:
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