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Everything posted by Trilobite

  1. Is there any proof that these fish hate being in jars? How do we know what a better life for a Betta is? I wonder if they actually venture out of their small territories that they set up for themselves in the wild, they certainly aren't designed for efficient swimming, even the plakats. Personally I would never want to breed put aggression in fighters. I want mine to be as mean as possible. If a fighter doesnt flare then I cant see its true beauty, and in my opinion, having the highest quality fish around is useless if you don't even get to see him in his best form. If it wasnt for jars we would never have the types and quality of Bettas we see today, infact we would be lucky if we even had vt.
  2. I don't think they are cruel. These fish were bred, raised and kept in bottles and small tanks ever since they were domesticated. I've had fighters freak out and panic in bigger tanks, and find that many seem happier when they are in smaller areas. As long as you keep the water clean and the fish healthy I don't see a problem with them at all.
  3. Thats really cool! I think I might have to give it a go
  4. Ohh I like the look of indian fern. Can I still plant it in the gravel? I think Ill use Ambulia, the Hygros and java and indian fern. I think I have an anubias too, the one that just attches on to wood? will that survive in my ultra low light tank? Haha thats what all my plants do
  5. Woah that guy is awesome, it would creep so many people out!
  6. Hmm ambulia huh? I might have to track down some of that aswell. How about a small water lilly? haha no duckweed! took me ages to finally get rid of it in my tanks.
  7. I really like the look of xmas moss. But I really suck at moss, it ends up floating around and jamming up my filter...
  8. Thats my kind of plant. I've got bits of star grass thats surviving just floating around in my tanks, it keeps desperately trying to attach to the sponge filters but its futile.. Does that do well in low light too? the tanks its in at the moment are under high light. I cant wait to get rid of the plastic plants that are in it at the moment
  9. Whats a cheap, nasty plant thats easy to grow and doesn't need much light? I'm awful at keeping plants alive, and quite a stinge on cash. I have tank with no lighting but I want to spruce it up a bit since it looks horrid at the moment.
  10. Mmm yeah that sounds more reasonable. Surely there are heaps if people into other species wanting to show off their fish. I guess maybe start out in the pet expos or something.
  11. A Betta show would be a very good idea. Would also encourage people to breed towards quality fish and may entice new people in to the hobby. I wonder how to get something like that started up
  12. Me too! or a copper dragon. And the only hmpk are dumbos with ugly bodies:( Theres a tonne of dragon hms and plenty of trad and trans pk females around. A few generations of careful crosses and you could get some do it! do it! We've made a facebook club so we can see what everyone else has and what lines they are working on in nz
  13. +1 Theres a number of people breeding towards a particular goal though which is good, instead of just crossing anything and everything they can find. Its always disappointing when I see a real nice fish crossed to a vt or ct Hmm I might have to join up to ctt again then
  14. I agree, Id say over 100 would be pushing it
  15. hehe fighters are huge in chch :thup: I really hope it stays that way. Adrienne, how do you register breedings?
  16. Its just a shame that we lose the entire type and hope they will come back into the country again. I guess theres not enough people into fighters for the country to have consistent breeding lines of each type that comes in
  17. Yeah, fair enough. But down in chch I know that if there is a decent fish it will be snapped up ASAP pretty much the day it arrives haha Yeah theres some pretty decent super deltas around currently, I wouldnt mind getting one of them either For some reason certain fighter types have been coming into fashion and then go out of it again, like black orchid ct, then it was dumbo pk. And the ones that fall out of fashion are never to be seen again like hmpks, hm females and mustards.
  18. Who would turn down getting quality fighters in? I would kill to get some of the European and Thai fish into the country
  19. I know right?! They are so cool
  20. They've been crossed with splendens to create dragons and they have bred copper ones so they aren't safe from our meddling yet They'll lose all of their appeal if people start breeding them away from their natural looks
  21. Nice! So is this the Mahachai but has finally been given its own scientific name?
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