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    African Cichlids Enthusiast

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  1. Mine from mycoolmc are just about breeding size......... :roll:
  2. It will be a rectangular steel frame, so weight will be spread pretty evenly. Looks like I'm good to go!
  3. Hi Guys, Just looking for a bit of advice: I currently have a 1200x450x450 tank in my lounge. House is about 2 years old, but wooden floor. I'm looking to upgrade to a 1500x600x600, so an extra 25% weight per floor area. Is this going to be an issue? cheers Dan
  4. A few fish I'm interested in that I had 5 years ago but haven't seen lately: Dimidiochromis compressiceps Dragon Blood Peacocks Placidochromis electra Are they still around?
  5. The tank wont be heavily stocked for a while, but eventually it will be. Either malawis or tangs, depending on what fish I put where. I don't want to spend more than about $300, but I'm happy to buy 2nd hand. Any idea of the noise produced by the sunsun 304? It's going in my bedroom so needs to be fairly quiet. The tank will be getting about 1/3 water change about once a week.
  6. Have you used the eheim classics? or other eheim filters? I'd prefer to go with one big filter than two smaller ones.
  7. I've always used eheim classic 2213, 2215, 2217 or fluval 404's on my tanks. I'm after a canister filter for my new 300 litre tank, but filter needs to be rated for at least 400 litre tank. What do you use, what's good and what's bad? I've seen the aqua one aquis filters around, how reliable are they, and how quiet?
  8. Hi Guys, Just wondering what plants people have used successfully with african cichlids. The issues I've had in the past were the fish eating them, and the fish digging up the sand around them. Let me know what you do, or what you've seen others do. Pics would be good. cheers
  9. I just got some frontosa today so that might stop me from getting tropheus for a while.
  10. Hey guys, I've been out of the hobby for a couple of years while going through uni. Got a tank a while back, possibly looking at getting a couple more. Just wondering what african cichlids are available now? At the moment I have: Demasonis Yellows Taiwan Reefs Blue Dolphins Cuckoo Catfish Looking to possibly get hold of in the future: Red Empress Tropheus Pemba Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Aulonocara Hansbaenschi Geophagous Surinamensis (bit off topic I know) Dimidiochromis Compressiceps Cynotilapia Afra What new/interesting species are out there? Keen to have a tang tank too, I'm a bit biased towards malawis because that's what I've kept in the past.
  11. Didn't end up with many male yellows sorry, I'm keeping them all.
  12. The demasoni always fight between themselves, so I'll get rid of a few of them. The current dominant taiwan male seems pretty peaceful even when breeding, so I'll keep him. thanks for your help!
  13. Might have to get another tank, here we go again................. :roll:
  14. I anticipate keeping 1m 3-4f of each species, which seems like a reasonable number of fish to me for this size tank. I tend to prefer overstocking and over filtering tanks as this seems to have worked for me in the past. I haven't kept taiwans before, how aggressive are they compared to other africans? I assume similar to aulonocara species?
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