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Everything posted by blueyes

  1. Where did you get your aquatic mix from fishybusiness?
  2. Hey nativelover, any news yet on how you went with the assignment?
  3. Me too please, keen to know how much one is.
  4. Lol, thanks guys..... maybe I should just hit buy now and chuck it in and see what happens!!!!
  5. Hmmmm, if it is Hydrocotyle then it may be a bit too fast growing for the shallow tank, thought it might look quite neat as a surface cover in case I get those killies eventually..... I guess I didn't really think about how restrictive it would be to have plants in this tank would be due to the depth :roll:
  6. Can anyone ID this plant for me? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 421868.htm Thanks in advance
  7. My BN's love pear, not so keen on watermelon though oh and the Clown Loaches seem to like the fruit & veg too!! I just try all sorts with them
  8. Yeah, thats what kinda made me change my mind about them, but the gold ones do look fantastic, great colour and they matched the Asian theme ( I think )
  9. I have been looking into Killies actually for the last week or so as I was thinking about Golden Panchax (I think thtas what they are called) for my Asian tank and they do sound like awesome fish....... so easy to get addicted lol, first comes the tropical addiction and then comes the individual species addiction!!! Oh, and congrats on the babies, I hope they all do well for you, look forward to seeing pics too
  10. Thanks fishcoaster, the tank is still in the setup stage at the moment, so will be a while before I get to add the killies, but I'm really glad I've discovered them I think they will be perfect for the tank.....
  11. I'm thinking of having a nice big school each of Lemon Tetra and Blood Fin Tetra....I've got some nice Riccia that I picked up somewhere that I can float for them too...... it will have quite a few plants in it...... sorry, really didn't mean to hijack this thread......
  12. Oh my gosh.....they are such beautiful fish..... I'm in love..... I wonder how they would go with my BN's and tetras in their tank, I was wanting something for the upper level......
  13. These look like neat killies..... can someone tell me about their nature and how big they get etc...
  14. And their families....... I hope they bring them home soon, safe and sound
  15. I've come up with some awesome sites while researching for my Asian tank.... I just googled Asian Biotope. This one is pretty good gives you lists of both fish and plants http://fish.mongabay.com/biotope.htm I'm using builders sand for mine HTH
  16. I think the females look broader than the males if you look down on them....also I think I read somewhere that if you look at the females when they are resting the front of them don't rest on the gravel they are slightly raised......
  17. blueyes


    Okay, so this is the first tank I am going to set up, this will be home to everyone in the current tank other than the Clown Loaches and the Yoyo's, so there will be GBA's & Albino BN, Peppered and Panda Cory's, Glowlight Tetra's, X-ray Tetra's and the Black Widows......want to look at adding others at some stage for a bit of colour so was considering Kribensis, but would love other suggestions too!!!! Tank is 114Lx38Wx25H. Plants will be mainly swords and lighting is a single T8 tube, will be using Aquabasis plus and probably play sand as substrate. Filter is an Aqua One Aquis500.... so this will be my first really real grown up tank :bounce:
  18. Jealous much, I love the look of those new long fins.......was going to go have a look at them after work today, but I know if I had I would have fallen in love
  19. Having one, whether it was handraised or not would probably only be okay if you were able to spend lots of time with it......
  20. I would definitely recommend having two, my little guy lost his mate last year, he seems okay but was much happier with a buddy.... he spends a lot of time talking to and feeding "the bird" in his mirror and I feel so sorry for him all alone at night with no one to snuggle up with.....
  21. blueyes


    I guess the best idea is to stick with the clowns, tigers and SAE's at first, then I can take my time and find something that I really like and is suitable..... it's all still a while off yet anyways....thanks for all the advice guys.....
  22. Awww, sorry for your loss Stella...
  23. blueyes


    Good idea Sophia, I'll probably be getting them in stages anyway, though I do quite like the SAE's so was secretly kinda pleased that the fitted the theme..... I have to figure out what fish to use when I cycle too, don't really want to put the tetra's in cos I'll probably be lucky if I ever catch them again once they are in there lol I do really like the look of the Golden Panchax, but no so keen on having them eating everyone else.....
  24. You cold try using this, though I guess it would be kinda cheating..... http://www.theaquatools.com/building-your-aquarium Wow, theres another really cool tool there, the Aquarium sketcher....I'm gonna have a play with that one tonight!!!!!!
  25. Just checking that it wasn't the reason you got marked wrong on it :-?
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