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Everything posted by blueyes

  1. blueyes

    Sand type

    It looks just like the builders sand I have in my tank. $6 for 20kg or something like that at Bunnings, yes it is pretty dark, doesn't look it in the bag, but once its wet it darkens up quite a bit.
  2. Thanks Zev, getting a nice little collection of plants, so can't wait to start putting it all together, luckily the Crypts go with the Asian biotope theme so hopefully I can do this properly without using anything that is not from the biotope, the only thing maybe the java moss that I am planning on using on some of the driftwood
  3. And so it begins......another fishaholic in the making
  4. blueyes


    A refugee snail
  5. Hehe, I remember keeping frogs as a kid, we used to go for walks and look in all the troughs for tadpoles. We used to keep them in an old sink with chicken mesh over the top of it. And then one year I remember my cousin calling me to ask what I wanted for my birthday, and I told him I wanted some frogs.... so when I got my birthday present I went down to where the frogs were kept all excited and opened my present and when I opened it, it was nail polish lol.....so gutted.... I was pretty young, but I have no idea how I thought a brown paper bag with nail polish in it could possibly have been frogs!!!! :roll:
  6. Cool frog.....I guess he felt like he had to make up for his disability by being a piggy
  7. Thanks, I read that they were sensitive to salt so I put a teaspoon in with 20litres just in case. In the case of fungus would meth blue be okay for this, it doesn't look like I need it at the moment, but just in case.
  8. Well he's still happily dancing around his wee tank, even did some landscaping in the night and moved one of the plants over to where the others are, won't keep still long enough for me to get a good look at his back or when he does its the wrong side.....maybe he's embarrased and only likes showing his good side? hehe Question for when I do his water change, do I add a little more salt at the time or just fresh water with nothing added?
  9. blueyes

    Oh my lord

    Nope, I was wrong.....Mr Big plec has fled and seeking sanctuary under the bridge....the GBA has settled back into his tree trunk lol......never a dull night when ya have fish huh? Just while I was writing this Mr Big Plec has snuck back to the dugout under the tree trunk....boy is he gonna be in trouble now!!! Meanwhile the clowns are providing halftime entertainment by performing the traditional clown loach circle dance... :bounce:
  10. blueyes

    Oh my lord

    Damn, I probably should have.....only have phone to vid with though, so woulda been stink quality.....
  11. blueyes

    Oh my lord

    And the winner is......... Mr Big Plec....the albino...... Either that or its just half time, but the GBA has fled.....
  12. blueyes

    Oh my lord

    I think this is a territorial thing..... the albino moved out of his driftwood for some reason and the other boy had moved into a tree stump decoration which someone has tunneled right under, I think the albino wants it now lol...... even the clown loaches have come out to see whats going on and theres sand flying everywhere, I've never seen them this determined before. Unfortunately for the albino who used to be the biggest, the other boy is quite a bit larger than him now.
  13. blueyes

    Oh my lord

    my 2 BN boys are having a rumble.....neither of them are backing down either......
  14. I know, I can't wait for it to come out........ then I have to convince my brother to buy it and let me borrow his xbox lol......for now though, the GOW marathon starts this weekend
  15. Thanks, I've put the plants back in for now, at least there is somewhere for him to hang out and hide now....I really hope he comes right too poor little guy..... it just looks like it should be so painful and yet he seems to be acting so normally......
  16. Mainly PS3, but i love Fable so occasionally xbox too
  17. Hmmmmm, I can't make my mid up between the two, I guess I still have a bit of time to decide....... maybe I need to visit some pet shops to do some research too, trouble is that when I do that I usually walk out with something I never intended to buy
  18. +1..... I'm a gaming nerd..... which seems to surprise a lot of people being a girl and all lol And now I'm as fish nerd too!!!
  19. Okay, hes all set up in his own wee tank....he seems to be quite happily exploring it for now, though looks a bit lonely lol...... I had to move all the plants I have been collecting for the new setup out of the tank so not sure what to do with them now....... I assume they can't stay in there with him.....
  20. Thankyou, I'll keep a close eye on him tonight
  21. Thanks Pink Fish, what I will do is something up for him tonight, he's sulking in the container I have for him now (as soon as he sees me he lays really still, but when I watch him from a distance he's darting around in there, plus I think he can see the other fish so not happy, he is still really active but the "wound" looks really awful and sore, having said that...this morning I notice its going kinda white around the outside of it so that will probably mean its starting to heal (god I hope so anyway) poor wee guy. I'm going to invest in a heater guard anyway, because if this is a heater burn I don't want any of my other fish to have to go through this.....
  22. Hehe.....love it......pretty close to the real colour too :lol:
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