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Everything posted by blueyes

  1. blueyes


    Still trying to picture how much room just the 40x400 litres are going to take up hehe....... sounds like an awesome setup......
  2. blueyes


    Hmmmm, not sure, but I think that may almost qualify as an overdose hehe
  3. blueyes


    Lol..... I think most of the members here have an overdose!!!
  4. blueyes


    I'm even thinking about kicking my poor goldies out of their home so I have another tank for tropicals...... and I've had my goldies for years....poor things!!!
  5. blueyes


    So anyway..... I am already thinking about keeping this "temporary tank" as a second tank once the 3' is set up after xmas.....sigh........I think I have MTS already........... does anyone know the cure??? :bounce:
  6. blueyes


    Thanks for your help everyone
  7. blueyes


    I just wasn't sure if it would have any ill effects on the fish and wanted some advise from those of you more knowledgable than me rather than just taking a risk and throwing it in there
  8. blueyes


    Its just a small mark on part of it.......its an awesome piece and I really want to use it, but not willing to risk the health of my fish for it, what I was thinking is before I am ready to use it to put it in a test tank with some neons or something and see how they go before I put it in with my clowns and bristlenoses....not that I don't value the lives of the neons....but since they are a weaker fish I would soon know if they weren't happy.......
  9. blueyes


    Okay, so we went away to Kaiaua for a nice girls weekend.... went over to the "beach" for a walk and I picked up a few pieces of driftwood. Someone had been down there making fires I think and one or two of the pieces I picked up have small patches where it has been slightly burnt. My question (which I think I know the answer for) is...... can these pieces still be used?
  10. *Breaks into Michael Jacksons song..... You are Not Alone* Hehe
  11. Wow thats really cool Bikbok, thanks...I'm glad I wasn't imagining it hehe
  12. Sorry, didn't notice the other thread there..... Funny, a lot of the forest scenes reminded me of like when they show the deep sea, all the glowing things and stuff and then I realised that everything had gills, including the horses which totally reminded me of sea horses.....I would love to have a tank that had like one main piece of driftwood that stood like a tree trunk as a feature and then design everything around it.....however.....I think for now I best concentrate on keeping my wee fish alive and well..... maybe one day I will have enough knowledge to do nice planted tanks
  13. I watched Avatar last night for the first time, and all I could think about was how amazing the forests would look in a tank setup lol.....awesome movie though!!!!!!! 8)
  14. I think the BN's are all still trying to figure out who wants to live where as they keep swapping lol...... on of them was in the old car ornament I put in there the other day and he must have been trying to clean off the inside of the roof but it looked like he was sitting up driving, wish I'd had my camera that day was so hard case...... the loaches really seem to be happy and I see so much more of them which is neat
  15. Well for those of you that helped out with advise, I thought I would update you one the move........ everyone seems pretty happy, except for my male GBA who seemed a bit pissed off with me moving his wee bridge home, I'm sure he was glaring at me lol....the wee girl seems to have taken over one of the new cave decorations in there and Mr Big Plec the Albino didn't even move out of his driftwood when I moved it over, so he's happy.....when I moved it over I saw one of the Clown loaches had wedged himself right up into one of the crevaces and was staring out at me.....so funny....I wondered where they were hiding out..... the clowns have been out and about more and are a lot of fun to watch....so far so good...they all really love the sand and have already been burrowing and playing in it..... I think all I need now is some more tetras and everyone should be happy.... oh if anyone has any low light, easy care plants they are selling please let me know....if they have snails on them all the better hehe....thanks everyone for the advise!!!
  16. Well the sand is all washed, the tank is full, just waiting for it to heat up.....definitely think I will need a few plants in there as it needs a bit of colour, but I think they will all love the extra space and the sand to play in...... :bounce:
  17. Hi all.....I am moving everyone over to a larger tank and will be using sand instead of the gravel I am using in my existing one. My question is, if I use the water from my existing tank and also the filter I have in there at the moment.....will I still need to let the tank cycle because I am not using the same gravel? I hope that makes sense? Thanks.....
  18. Cool, thanks for your help.....I'm happy as long as its not going to do any harm to them
  19. Thanks, thats something I never thought to check....so other than that it is okay to use? My guys will be happy with that in there?
  20. Gravel/sand wise...... I have found somewhere local that has black sand at a good price..... from the pics it looks like the really fine sand at some of the beaches here....will this be too fine for my tank? I currently have Tetras, GBA's and clown loaches in there..... Thanks in advance
  21. blueyes

    Hi Everyone

    Thanks for the welcomes evryone The tank my guys are in at the moment is a teeny tiny one at 25cm deep x 45 long and 27cm high...the one I am moving them into temporarily is 35cm deep x 60cm long and 36cm high. The one I am aiming to move them into more permanently is 38cm deep x 114cm long and 25cm high. I am just looking for some reasonably priced black sand type stuff before setting up the temporary tank as from what I have read this will make the loaches more comfortable than regular gravel.....
  22. blueyes

    Hi Everyone

    Thanks everyone :bounce:
  23. blueyes

    Hi Everyone

    I thought I should introduce myself as I have just joined. I'm just starting out with my tropical tank. I have had goldfish for years (still have them) and now have decided to try my hand at tropicals. I currently have a small tank which I am moving my guys out of this weekend, and then after xmas when I am able to set it up properly I have a 3 foot (approx) tank that I am moving everyone into......I currently have 2 GBA's and an Albino Bristlenose, 4 glowlight tetra and 2 clown loaches. I'm really excited about everything I am learning about tropicals and I think I am already addicted So anyway....hi everyone.....I look forward to chatting/getting to know you all and thanks in advance to anyone and everyone that puts up with my endless questions and quests for knowledge
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