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Everything posted by blueyes

  1. I could be wrong on this one, but wouldn't the total weight be more than the empty weight?
  2. Thats so cool, thanks for sharing
  3. blueyes


    I thought about Glass Cats, and may still get some, Bettas would be good to add colour definitely.... would have to be females, as the Tigers have a reputation for being fin nibblers, though maybe not so much in a large group..... Thanks Sam
  4. blueyes


    Haha, those look like way cool fish...... but they come from the wrong part of the world
  5. blueyes


    Okay guys, I need a little advice and help...... so the new 4 ft tank will be home to my clown loaches, who will inhabit the bottom of the tank mainly, I have decided that I would like a large shoal of Tiger barbs, say around 10-12 that will hang out around the middle. For clean up I am thinking around 3-4 siamese algae eaters...... I am trying to figure out what to get that will use the top of the tank...... I was thinking Danios for a while, but now am kinda thinking maybe something a little bigger up there.... I've been researching Gouramis and Killis, the prob with the Killis is that the only ones that I can find from the Asian zone are the Panchax, and from what I've been reading about them, they seem to have a nice appetitie for fellow tankmates. Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions or advice about my stocking ideas, bearing in mind that I am hoping to build this tank using species from the Asian zone? Much appreciation in advance!!!
  6. blueyes


    Thanks guys.... I've had a pretty productive day....went and picked up some rocks and driftwood that I won on trade me, then Animates botany, Stone and Water World, HFF, Animates Manukau, another pet shop in Manukau and Kings Plant Barn to see if the had any Daltons Aquatic, they didn't, but they are ordering it in for me.....so yay!!!!! And oh my god..... I love HFF, it was like being in fishgeek heaven, I almost walked out with some Kulhi's but resisted temptation and just got some driftwood and my Twisted Val instead, I could have spent hours in there!!!!!
  7. Sorry, this is OT....but what substrate are you guys using with your clowns?
  8. blueyes


    Does anyone have an opinion on it anyway, does it look like it would be any more worthwhile buying one like this rather than the Aqua One Aquis 1200 that I was originally planning on buying?
  9. blueyes


    Has anyone had any experience with one of these filters? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 520553.htm Thanks
  10. blueyes


    Mind you, I'm sure any glazier could do it for a small fee.....
  11. blueyes


    I'll look into it all properly once I have the filter and figure out how to set it up and everything. Just bummed that its not something I thought about beforehand.... but nevermind.....
  12. blueyes


    Okay, so the issue will just be those pipes, so in theory I could get some holes made in the bracing even to accomodate them? Or wait for P44 and see if he thinks the other thingy will work, I'll have to wait until I get home and measure the bracing I guess....... not a catastrophe really......
  13. blueyes


    There would surely be some way to work around it....suggestions welcome of course I knew things seemed to be going a little too smoothly
  14. blueyes


    Lol, I wondered who would be first to notice that
  15. blueyes


    Oh dear..... I didn't even realise that and yes Greg did build it. I've never used a cannister filter before so didn't think to ask about it, I will need to check out the bracing when I get home I guess
  16. blueyes


    Yeah, the one in the photo is for the other tank, for this one I'm getting an Aquis 1200
  17. blueyes


    Lol, not much to see yet.... it's just a big, bright, shiney empty tank...... but soon, it will be haven to crypts and clown loaches lol....... well, I don't' know how much of a haven for the crypts, I've noticed a couple of wee nibbles in the crypt that Zev sent me, so I will have to watch the little rotters, make sure they don't do any real damage......
  18. blueyes


    Thanks Diver21. I just can't stop looking at my new tank, it looks so huge to me lol
  19. That would be good pink fish, the only reason I was really putting off joining was because I didn't think I would be able to attend the meetings........ of course maybe if we got enough of us "southsiders" together we could help revive the South Auckland one
  20. blueyes


    The big tank is about 240 litres...... it's so big and shiny lol..... my first new tank ever....well not counting the one I bought for my little blackmoors, i thought maybe a 300w heater might be okay, but want to make sure before I get one.....
  21. Thanks Caryl, I must just join the Auckland one..... I'm sure I should be able to attend some of thier meetings at least
  22. Hi, does anyone belong to or know if the South Auckland club is still going. I have had an email returned undeliverable from one contact and emailed one of the others last week about joining but still haven't heard back yet. Thanks, Nikki
  23. blueyes


    Will do.....well might do, I'm sure they won't look as good as most on here, but I can certainly say I've put in plenty of effort and not rushed it.... one other question actually about heating, would a 300w heater be the right size for the bigger tank?
  24. blueyes


    Man, thanks Cliffy, I don't know why I didn't even think to look there, chances are they have stones and stuff as well, yay, only a couple of minutes away from my house too...... :bounce:
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