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Everything posted by blueyes

  1. I haven't got the lights yet, was looking at one on trade-me which is a double T5HO 39w, or there was another single T8 that I was looking at, limited a little by funds at the moment. I have some Aquabasis for the the base, then builders sand as the gravel....it will be my first time having a planted tank so lots of planning going into it..... it will be an Asian biotope so trying to stick with both plants and fish from Asia..... the twisted val seems to be quite elusive at the moment though lol
  2. Yep, pretty much why I've decided against it, I plan on doing all that, just the lighting won't be strong enough.....I plan on decent lighting but need to consider the fact that the clown loaches don't like too much light and the tank is pretty shallow so the kind of light that plant will need just isn't practical.....oh well, I think I'll just stick with the crypts
  3. Doh!!!!!!! Sorry Joe, I meant to direct that reply to Supasi :oops:
  4. Joe, maybe you coul ring HFF an see if they have it or if they could get it in for you. I don't really think it will be any good for a beginner like me.....plus I need low-medium light plants for the tank I'm planning, so I am thinking I will keep looking for some twisted val if thats suitable or I might go with some Cryptocoryne balansae..... Edit, scratch the twisted val, that needs strong lighting too Damn I really wanted something that will eventually grow and cover the surface of the water......
  5. Are all your other fish acting normally?
  6. Thanks Dennis, I did a google NZ search and it came up with the threads from here and also it apparently can be bought from Petmart, but only instore they don't ship plants Oh well, might be back to the drawing board again lol
  7. Can someone please tell me this is not another name for straight Val please.... and does anyone know if we have it here and if so where I could get some from? Hope someone knows the answers
  8. Awwww, you guys have got so many of these guys!!!!!! I only want 3 more to make 8 lol...... but I am trying to be sensible and tell myself I can't!!!!!!! They are so awesome to watch though and mine are heaps braver now....they only pretend to take off when they see me, but then curiosity gets the better of them and they come back out to make sure they aren't missing anything!!!!!
  9. Yeah, he still doesn't seem to too worried about it, he slowed down for a couple of days but seems to be zipping around okay again now. Eating fine but probably a bit lonely I think.
  10. blueyes


    [email protected] exactly what my little guy was like last night, no way was he giving it up......they are just so entertaining....can't wait until I get the bigger tank set up and get my tiger barbs, I think it's going to be awesome watching them with so much room to swim......
  11. blueyes


    Well by the sounds of it the only harm it could have done is given the fish a bad case of indigestion lol..... I don't know how it thought it was going to swallow the darn moth haha
  12. blueyes


    Theres usually plenty ouside my back door, so I'm sure I can find a few hanging around
  13. blueyes


    Hmmm, I might give the ants a go just for entertainment value lol..... but I really really really hate ants, so I hope the fish appeciate what I do for them lol
  14. blueyes


    Lol. I thought after I wrote that, I didn't word it very well.... I don't think it ever actually got eaten... I think they just played with it...... kinda like watching a cat play with a mouse or a bird that its caught, kept letting it go and then racing to catch it again before anyone else did......
  15. blueyes


    Lol, that does sound kinda funny..... I was just wondering because I was having a giggle last night at one of my Black Widows that thought it had found a treat and was swimming around with a moth in its mouth and was doing everything it could to keep everyone else away from it...... even pinching it back of the other tetras if it accidentally let it go and one of them happened to grab it instead....... then I suddenly thought maybe it wasn't good for them, but I guess in the wild there is probably all sorts that land in the water and they eat...... not all fish are lucky enough to have a private chef and waiter lol..... Thanks for that fish plants
  16. blueyes


    can they do any harm if a fish eats one?
  17. Oooh, and I just googled turtle tanks and came up with heaps of neat pics, makes me want a turtle now lol http://www.google.co.nz/images?source=o ... le%20tanks
  18. Hi Amethyst, if you do a search under the Reptiles and Amphibians section there may be some pics in there
  19. Sweet, thanks....it really is a nice plant
  20. I don't know whether the little guy is getting better or not, I had to get a good look at him tonight so pulled him out for a minute to see, it does seem to be a bit fluffy around the wound so I have put some Wunder Tonic in with him, but whatever it is seems to have eaten right through his top fin....he still seems reasonably happy and is eating, I just feel so sorry for him.....
  21. Hey Zev, thanks so much for the Affinis, it's a beautiful plant and I am already picturing it in the new tank, just a quick question, can I pot it temporarily say with some Aqubasis in the pot until I am ready to plant it?
  22. blueyes

    Sand type

    Where in Auckland do you live Fruju? If you wanted to come and pick up a bit of the sand that I'm using to test it out I still have about half a bag or so left, I will need to buy another bag anyway when I start the new tank...... I remember someone had used the midnight gravel when I was trying to decide what to use, just trying to think who it was..... I was going to use it myself but decided it was too expensive and I'm really happy with what I ended up using.
  23. I might do at some stage, for now I am just concentrating on getting my new tank set up
  24. This is an awesome thread, thanks for sharing your experience with us danval....kinda makes me want something to breed lol.... but I'm not at that level yet.....
  25. Awesome....so I should be able to manage a totally Asian tank then, thats pretty cool
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