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Everything posted by blueyes

  1. blueyes


    Thanks, I was thinking between 2-2.5cm, and then on top of that probably the builders sand that I have in my tank now. I looked at the Daltons Propagating sand, but it says this is a sharp sand so won't be any good for the loaches and corys I believe.....
  2. blueyes


    Just out of curiosity, what thickness is the layer of aquatic mix that most people use?
  3. blueyes


    Awesome, thanks for that diver, I can easily arrange for someone from work to go pick some up for me too....... does anyone know off the top off their head what size bags it comes in and how many I would need for the 4ft tank?
  4. blueyes


    Oh yeah, I've been looking for that Daltons aquatic mix, does anyone around Auckland know who stocks it, I tried the local Bunnings here and they don't have it, neither does out Mitre10 Mega. The new tank is 1220x450x450mm
  5. blueyes


    So, over the weekend I bid farewell to my Goldies as they moved out of home into their shared accomodation in a nice big pond at a friends house, they seemed pretty happy apart from the fact that the fish that were already in their had their noses up my guys butts chasing them around the pond..... but hey, they might lose some weight with the excercise lol..... I didn't realise quite how big they were until I saw them with the other fish in there... The 2 small blackmoors have moved into a nice new 50 litre tank in my bedroom, they are too small and inactive to join the others in the pond... incidentally I also discovered some wee snails that moved into the new tank also, which could only have come from the oxygen weed I brought on Saturday as that is all that I have added thats new......so note to self, don't buy oxygen weed from that store again. This means I will have a tank up for sale once I get it fully emptied and cleaned up. Tonight I pick up the new 4ft tank from Greg and so now I can start set up on the 2 lareger tanks..... once I've figured out how to rearrange my lounge to fit everything..... I'm starting to feel like the crazy old fish lady, instead of the crazy old cat lady!!!!! This week I have lights arriving and more plants..... more crypts mainly..... as they seem to have become a bit of a feature for the Asian tank somehow......... next question is where do I start haha!!!!!! Still to get is the filter and heater for the bigger of the two tanks more rocks and driftwood and more sand, oh and more base fertiliser......does anyone know of a good one to use that is a bit cheaper than the Aquabasis at all, is the one that I have seen on trade me any good? Anyways, just thought I'd share for those that may be interested!!!!!
  6. I don't know if this is of any use to you, but Petpac in Takanini has a nice little 50 litre aquarium on special at the moment for $100, it has the light an filter built in its 58.5x38.5x32 so around 2ft, all you would need to worry about is your gravel and decorations, its a nice little tank, just putting another option out there for you. Also the pet shop in Drury has the Minnows and Leopard fish at the moment...they don't do tropical fish there though.
  7. Nah...... I was a Kura high girl
  8. Welcome Renee, I'm in Papakura too
  9. Thanks P44, I went with a double T8 for the time being, as the tank that I'm using it for will have low light plants in it........
  10. The new one is getting made this weekend so I won't have to worry about that one just yet..... the other one is pretty much ready to set up, well its painted anyway lol it depends on whether or not my goldfish go to their new home this weekend, because I need their cabinet to put the tank on and need to move said cabinet away from the front door a bit...... plus I'm still organising plants and stuff, and now I need to get more driftwood too...... oh and more sand and more base fert stuff....... so much to think about!!!!!!
  11. Gulp.....well I've done it now, bought the new tank.....part of me is wondering what I have done, and if I've done the right thing.......now I have 2 new tanks to set up :-? Doh!!!
  12. And again..... oh wise ones...... does this look okay to get? Tank 1200x450x450 planted Asian Biotope theme..... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =329529943
  13. Okay, so I'll probably keep the Aquis500 and use that for the smaller of the tanks, and get the 1200 for the new tank........
  14. The one I'm looking at on trade me is 122x45x45cm so slightly less than 2ft height and depth if google is right lol The tank I have here already is 114.5 lengthx38.5 depthx25.5 height
  15. Thanks guys, I've just checked out HFF and I can get an Aquis1200 there for $132, so I think best to spend a little bit more and now what I am getting. I have an Aquis500, which is for the new tank setup, but was just wondering if there is any advantage to going a bit larger..... plus I kinda also am thinking about getting another tank that I saw on trade me which is slightly longer and is also deeper than the one I have here now, so I was thinking once my goldfish go to their new home then I will get rid of their tank and set up the deeper one as the Asian biotope that I am planning for the clown loaches and the new tankmates I want for them, Then everyone else in the existing tank can move into the shallower tank that I have here already......
  16. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =329434285 Or is there no such thing as too much when it comes to filtration? Thanks in advance for bearing with my neverending quest for knowledge by answering my possibly stupid questions lol
  17. I confess to playing a 360 at the moment..... Fallout3....woop woop, so much fun this game
  18. Well I've done it now lol.... thanks guys
  19. At least it is fixed for now, but yeah, I would be inclined to get rid of it and buy a new one........
  20. Thanks Sophia, yeah I plan on getting a few more to have a nice little group of them, they are such animated little guys......
  21. Could someone wise please take a look at this and tell me if looks any good before I hit buy now please http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =327599838 Thanks guys
  22. My cory family is down to 2 now..... I feel so bad for this little guy that I was supposed to care for, I guess at least I know that whatever started the problem wasn't my fault even if I wasn't able to save him... Oh and thankyou to everyone that gave advise, much appreciated...
  23. Is there anyone on the Shore that makes regular trips out these ways, or that will be coming out these ways in the near future? I have my eye on a light on trade me, but the seller is over the shore so I was wondering if there was anyone that wouldn't mind picking it up for me if I win it.
  24. Thanks P44, I might give it a miss for now as I'm not able to put as much $$ into the lighting as what is probably needed, at least my list is slowly getting narrowed down lol.... I have seen the barclaya on trade me recently...it's such a pretty plant.... would look awesome as a feature plant in an aquarium I'm eyeing this light up on TradeMe so here's hoping it's still there on payday lol http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 599414.htm
  25. Cool, thanks for letting me know... I will head off to HFF once I am closer to being ready to plant, I might as well give it a go..... here's hoping my aquatic "green thumb" works better than my houseplant one lol I think I am probably one of the only people on this forum that has never been to HFF!!!!! While we are talking plants..... has anyone had any experience with Barclaya Longifolia??? It's another one on the list I have, but I think it may also be too demanding for a beginner??
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