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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. And I'm still sorry for that
  2. Remember the little gray girl that turned into a big blue and white boy of yours Sam?
  3. All the ones in my last batch marbled They are very very strange
  4. Maybe is peacock :lol: That first moss is awesome. Almost looks like lots of little ferns!
  5. Get them before you go away !drool:
  6. Ten! Do you have the tank space for that many though Supasi? Congratulations to you both
  7. I wouldn't put cichlids in a small tank, especially angels. The Killie fish that Sophia has are awesome fish, and relatively easy to breed(or so she makes it out to be!) The fry can grow up with the adults which is always a bonus
  8. The bracing on tanks that Greg makes don't allow for standard external filter pipes so thats Sams solution :lol: Did you see his thread about his external pipe falling out and the entire tank emptying on the floor?
  9. I got a powerglo on my planted tank and the growth was so much better. My tiger lotus shot up and became too much It was the second best thing to happen to my planted tank
  10. Joshlikesfish


    I've made a fish room in my garage using a wall and a whole lot of insulation! The room used to drop to about 8 degrees in winter but I'm hoping it wont drop below 26 now :nilly:
  11. You obviously do not know your internet terms :roll:
  12. Poser? I don't see how he's posing. Unless thats the pose he is taking.
  13. I think you're thoroughly mistaken in terms of mops. My mop is one hell of a lot better than his
  14. I've used a few. And SamH has them on most of his tanks. They're good if its a decent brand
  15. Just use the dragon to pillage some villages and you should be able to get yourself some armour
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