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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Not good for the fish. One of the other members will explain it better but you need to increase your kh. That can be done using crushed shell from your lps/lfs
  2. Shall I update with some pictures of your other 4ftr tomorrow?
  3. Theres eight 3-5 were big as though! Thanks Sam for lending me the tank
  4. After the fry around 2weeks+ a slow sponge filter can be beneficial
  5. Nothing wrong with throwing a goldfish in a oscar or aro tank so throwing a tropical feeder fish in a coldwater tank is pretty much the same
  6. Want to spread out the genes to make sure they are not lost?
  7. Looking good! (as usual) The 5th male is wicked. Could do with a bigger tail though? Awesome colour line though!
  8. Try getting one off a breeder. You don't really want to be breeding a VT female, unless you know for sure the ones you are buying are not VT. 30l is good by like Sam says, it can be done in a 60x30. Personal preference and whatever works for you
  9. Maybe give them a little longer to mature? I also find it easier to spawn them in a smaller tank
  10. The places that sell the tanks should be able to replace the bulb
  11. You should probably get one. It will help
  12. That pot man is epic! Awesome set up too
  13. If Pauly didn't do it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0 That sure did :lol:
  14. I watched my neighbours old keyhole pair spawn about 5 times in the short period he owned them. Never had fertile eggs and they had been breeding for ages :-? My alpha male L104 lost his first batch of eggs but manged to raise 8 fry with his second spawn. Experience usually makes batch sizes improve. I saw it with my male fighters too.
  15. :bounce: :bounce: Thanks everyone When I get my own drip system and bottle tank i'll edit the original post to add some pictures
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