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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. It needs to be custom built and made by him. Polystyrene would be to make it waterproof, his teachers reckon its alright but I want to double check.
  2. Could I use plywood and polystyrene to make a small sump? My friend that is designing my betta barracks plans to do it that way and i'm making sure its alright
  3. I have a ehiem 2213 and I hate its basket and its slow flow. Real pain to clean. I have 2x sunsun 1x aleas externals. I like the sun suns as they are easy to pull apart, easy to prime etc etc. The ehiem needs a good suck to get it going where as the other filters have a thing to manually start it without using your mouth. Aqua one is better than sunsun etc but those sunsun ones are good value for money IMO
  4. Theres no algae on that rock, they must be doing their job! :nilly:
  5. I have one of the cheaper ones and I think its awesome. The more expensive one will be more reliable though
  6. Sweet. I may give the 35mm pipe a try. Were yours tank bred or wild caught when you bought them?
  7. Thanks everyone Nobody going to tell me to replace the filter with a more known brand? :lol: I know Krazy Geoff had luck spawning these in a pvc tube, but I'm looking to get some small bamboo ones (similar to what my L104 spawned in for those of you that have seen them), so if anybody knows where I could get some or has some for sale please pm me
  8. I've got a rather nice pair to spawn soon :nilly: :lol: I'm useless with plants!
  9. Thanks Got any tips? I've read both your breeding logs :lol:
  10. I gave my mum a trio of guppies for her bday almost 2 months ago. They've dropped twice and now she has a small tank full of guppies, she loves them. I also have a tank of platy fry that my grandparents think are the best thing to ever happen in my fish room. Live bearing fish are the best for surprise fry
  11. Well change it to make the update :nilly:
  12. :lol: :lol: What type of guppies?
  13. You could get a breeding pair of convicts and feed them anything you want :nilly:
  14. Maybe if we turn this thread into a dance club he'll spring into action?
  15. So when are you doing an update Sam?
  16. So my first batch are going strong, around 8. They're around 2-2.5 months old. Had two spawning since then, one with the alpha male, one with the submissive male. Sub male lost all eggs and the alpha male abandoned his clutch, not sure why. They also look to be spawning as I post so heres hoping
  17. Pictures or it didn't happen
  18. Napier I believe. He'll be able to clarify more though
  19. :facepalm: :lol: I know your list is better than that
  20. Sorry about all the plants, or lack of :oops: 5x cherry barbs I had a 4 year old cherry barb awhile back. She was MASSIVE. MFK worthy even
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