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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Hullo from Nelson

    Once we are able to get out and about again we could arrange to get some plants to you as we go to Nelson every 3 months for medical appointments.
  2. Go on, you know you want to 😉 Just avoid convicts as they take over everything!
  3. Caryl

    Hullo from Nelson

    No we don't bother with a newsletter any more as I got sick of writing it with no contributions from other members, or feedback that they actually read it. The internet has made it very difficult for face to face meetings as many seem to prefer to get their information from anonymous sources from the comfort of their house.
  4. What about African cichlids? Or, if you have plenty of money, marines?
  5. Here is my male gold ancistrus doing his best to isolate himself from his tank mates...
  6. I seem to remember you have had a few different tanks over the years. What have you already tried?
  7. Caryl

    Hullo from Nelson

    Your nearest club then would be the Marlborough Aquarium Club but we only have 4 or 5 members and don't have meetings ☚ī¸ Getting plants will now have to wait until the lockdown is over. I am inundated with Crypt affinis and have spare Anubias nana.
  8. I have heard about this festival but not seen it as yet. One day ... The grandsons love the Christchurch event.
  9. Caryl

    Axolotl help

    Anyone out there able to help Shelby 77777777??
  10. Try cucumber too (make sure they have not been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals). I slice it into rings and thread the bits onto a plastic knitting needle with a fishing sinker in the middle to hold it down.
  11. Has this been set up yet Raymond? Would love to see what you do with it (unless you've sold it on of course)
  12. Usually costs to attend conference are kept as low as possible. Biggest outlay is usually transport and accommodation.
  13. Caryl

    Stocking New Tank

    A bit for a reply but I have not been here for a while (too busy). What about Congo tetras? I'm assuming you have a centrepiece now so what did you pick?
  14. Caryl

    Hi folks

    Welcome. I guess you might find the hobby a bit more limited here to what you are used to but still plenty to choose from.
  15. Caryl


    If it looks good to you then that is the main thing 🙂
  16. I remember you too Mark. Welcome back to the forum and fish keeping.
  17. They are two very different options you have there. Perhaps you need to buy another tank and do both 😏 As you intend to have it well planted it will not look empty and the puffers are such fun to watch. I would go for option 2.
  18. No problem. I assume your address is still the same as before? I'll pack and send off on Monday. How did the crypts go last time?
  19. I have red rotala. I think you have bought some from me before. Cost you postage, which is usually about $10.00
  20. Any improvement in the fish or has it died?
  21. Stunning as usual, both fish and photos.
  22. I have always liked barbs. In fact my aquarium currently only has Odessa barbs and ancistrus. Both species are self replenishing.
  23. Yes thank you for getting it up and running again. Now all we need is members to actually post in here and answer others' queries! I see a new member posted a question Sept 16th and nobody replied until I did so today (I have been unable to access the forums until this evening)
  24. Are they the true algae eaters or the false ones? The true ones only eat algae in their younger years but lose a taste for it as they age. A good thing you plan to rehome them. I suggest ancistrus (commonly called bristlenoses. Make sure someone doesn't sell you a plecostomus by claiming it is a bristlenose!) as good algae nibblers but, like all fish, they don't always like all types of algae. Personally I have never found any fish that liked the black fluffy algae.
  25. Caryl

    New here

    Hi Shannon, I apologise for my late greeting but I have been in respite care (had a holiday in Aussie 😎 ) and a forum problem meant I have been unable to access these pages. Welcome to the site and I hope we can help you if required. There are quite a few fish keepers in Hamilton.
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