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Found 8 results

  1. I have a albino rainbow shark needing a new home pick up Wellington johnsonville
  2. Hi all I'm shutting down my 200l community tank and giving away my fish for free! X9 cherry barbs X2 bronze corydora X2 albino corydora X2 kuhli loaches Pick up is in upper hutt
  3. Hey all, sadly getting out of the hobby, everything must go. This tank comes with everything, cabinet, gravel, log, 100w heater, ornaments, extra filter media, hose, pH testing kit. + More $300 ono Pickup from Silverstream, Upper hutt. Also selling separately a trio beta tank a fluval flex 57L PM for details.
  4. Hello all! I have a 69 L (60 L actual) that I'm about to start stocking. Traditionally for my tanks, I've gone for one or two 'centrepiece' fish, and then a whole lot of schoolers. What I wanted to try with this one was a small group of individual fish - i.e., one per species, but on the larger side for this tank (say, up to 6 cm-ish). I've been reading up quite widely, and watching a (vast) number of YouTube videos for ideas but the problem I'm running into is that most of the suggestions have one of two issues: The fish has very different water chemistry requirements to virtually all of the other suggestions (e.g., bumblebee gobies) and/or needs to be kept in a species-only environment. It's debateable as to whether or not the fish will reliably get along with any of the other suggestions (e.g., GBRs/Dwarf Apistos/Gouramis etc) I'm not wedded to the idea, so I could definitely get one centrepiece + some schooling fish if I had to, but I wanted to try something a bit different this time. Any thoughts / experiences would be very much appreciated Tank is ~ 70% of the way through its cycle (ammonia 0.25 ppm, nitrites 2 ppm, nitrates 2 ppm), so it'll probably be another week to ten days before I buy the first inhabitant, and I'm in no particular rush. I currently have the water (non-phosphate) buffered to pH 6.8 / 4 dKH, and the plan is that it will be moderately well planted.
  5. 2x Tiger pleco 1 adult (possibly female), 1 juv (unsexed), ( I think they are L002, photo is of smaller one which is now bigger, the adult hides so no photo sorry) $80 for both 2x royal whiptail 1 adult male, 1 young adult female (now much bigger than in photo) , $100 for the pair 13x rummy nose tetra $70 for the lot save yourself $40ish (no photo sorry they move to fast) Pickup Carterton, Wairarapa Puo no shipping available
  6. Hi everyone! I am wanting black sand. I have read conflicting opinions on here about collecting black sand from Muriwai, some using it with no issue others saying it's risky. can it be used? And if so how to I clean it. Will perimeters be changed? Does it leach anything? Again, reading conflicting answers on leeching. I currently stick community fish inc rams, tetras, kuhlis, corys, pleco & spiny eel in a 75L. If it's unsafe, where can I buy the blackest soft sand possible? Thanks!
  7. Hey guys! Before I get started, thank you for any advice or help in advance! Ok, so I have a single 70l tropical aquarium, which contains a single molly (who is going back to the store), six zebra danios and three albino cory catfish (which I have been lead to believe is relatively understocked). I have fine black sand as substrate, a couple of rocks, a sword plant of unknown type and some hygrophila as decorations. I change the water and clean the tank once a week, but it is still constantly dirty! The outlet and intake of the filter quickly become blocked with a strange dark brown alage to the point where the water stops flowing within a few days, that refuses to come off unless taken off and scrubbed vigorously. The plants quickly become coated and tangled in messes of a fine green hair algae, that once again is hard to remove. As well as all of this, the sand quickly becomes coated in strange white and brown dirt and various debri which I can only assume are feces and plant matter. No matter how hard I try, the tank always smells foul, and my test kits have run out, and my new ones will not be here till the 14th, but last time I tested the water, they where fine, with no ammonia or nitrites in sight. Still, surely there must be a reason for my tank running amok like this and some way I can fix these problems! If you have any advice for me that would be amazing!
  8. Hi All After some time out of the hobby I am now setting up a basic planted tank. As there is no LFS in my area I am after some plants. On the lookout for H polysperma- all varieties R Rotundafolia H Diformis Sag Subulata Various Crypts Bolbitis Anubis varieties If anyone can help me out please PM me with what you want for them. Appreciate any help I can get to get me back into the game. thanks Simon
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