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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Stella has only had a brief look as she is sick at the moment but she wonders if they might be dwarf galaxias as she says there is something different about them but the distribution fits. She also asks to remind people to not remove fish from their natural habitat if you don't know what sort it is and their requirements.
  2. Thanks for all these boban_nz
  3. I will send the pics to Stella (our native fish expert) for an ID
  4. Caryl

    Mantis Shrimp

    The poster probably gave up after no reply until now so thank you for your response anyway in case it is of use to someone else. I know nothing about mantis shrimp so could not offer an opinion.
  5. We appreciate both your questions and your input.
  6. Post your request in the Buy Sell and Exchange section Umar so it is seen in the correct place by those more likely to have what you want.
  7. A well written and informative reply Maxine. I am saddened members do not regularly contribute to the forums these days and I have little faith in any Facebook response unless I personally know the person, which is less likely these days..
  8. Thank you to all who accepted nomination and commiserations to those who were voted in ?
  9. Have the crypts I sent you last time not sent out more plants? I still have hundreds more if you want more C affinis, or Anubias nana but I fear the postage may be dearer now and it is a cold time of year to be posting tropical plants, especially if they get held up in the backlog.
  10. Caryl

    Hullo from Nelson

    Aaannnd, we like to stop for an ice cream at the Hira Store ?
  11. Caryl

    Yellow grub

    Never seen a grub like that before!
  12. Caryl

    Hullo from Nelson

    I do not do CO2 injection or add anything at all to my aquarium. Not so much 'low tech" as "no tech" ? Unless I do a major cleanout, there is no room in my aquarium for any more plants but thank you for the offer. Our medical appts are on hold at the moment but once they resume I will try and remember to contact you prior if you want any Crypt affinis or Anubias nana.
  13. Caryl

    Hullo from Nelson

    Once we are able to get out and about again we could arrange to get some plants to you as we go to Nelson every 3 months for medical appointments.
  14. Go on, you know you want to ? Just avoid convicts as they take over everything!
  15. Caryl

    Hullo from Nelson

    No we don't bother with a newsletter any more as I got sick of writing it with no contributions from other members, or feedback that they actually read it. The internet has made it very difficult for face to face meetings as many seem to prefer to get their information from anonymous sources from the comfort of their house.
  16. What about African cichlids? Or, if you have plenty of money, marines?
  17. Here is my male gold ancistrus doing his best to isolate himself from his tank mates...
  18. I seem to remember you have had a few different tanks over the years. What have you already tried?
  19. Caryl

    Hullo from Nelson

    Your nearest club then would be the Marlborough Aquarium Club but we only have 4 or 5 members and don't have meetings ☹️ Getting plants will now have to wait until the lockdown is over. I am inundated with Crypt affinis and have spare Anubias nana.
  20. I have heard about this festival but not seen it as yet. One day ... The grandsons love the Christchurch event.
  21. Caryl

    Axolotl help

    Anyone out there able to help Shelby 77777777??
  22. Try cucumber too (make sure they have not been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals). I slice it into rings and thread the bits onto a plastic knitting needle with a fishing sinker in the middle to hold it down.
  23. Has this been set up yet Raymond? Would love to see what you do with it (unless you've sold it on of course)
  24. Usually costs to attend conference are kept as low as possible. Biggest outlay is usually transport and accommodation.
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