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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Most important is to work out why they got the infections in the first place to prevent a recurrence too. Have you tested the water for ammonia and nitrites particularly? 1) How do I go about treating the whole tank? Dose according to instructions on the container. 2) Can I remove all the fish into one quarantine tank with the treatment? Will the parasite starve to death in the tank with no fish along with treatment in the main tank? If ich only then it will die without a host (about 2 weeks). Don't know about finrot 3) Can I use a filter from the old tank in the quarantine tank? yes 4) How do I treat the plants and wood? No need if you are medicating the tank or removing the fish for at least 2 weeks. Siphon up the substrate thoroughly 5) Can the mussel and snails carry the disease? Not sure but I wonder if they are affecting the water quality therefore causing the outbreak in the first place 6) Can the disease exist in my main filter? I should think so but will be dealt with if dosing the tank, or removing fish as above
  2. If anyone needs items to or from Blenheim to Christchurch, we may be able to oblige at the weekend. Has to be small as we will be in the MX5
  3. Be aware that BNs under 3cm don't always cope with moves (in my experience anyway). They should sell them at 3cm+
  4. I have had BNs chase other fish away from food but such 'attacks' never harm the other fish. A great addition to your tank.
  5. We had someone here who kept leopardfish outside in a pond, under the eaves of a garage and partially protected by a tree, through -4C winters. They are a very hardy fish and, in my experience, cope with cooler temperatures more than hotter summer ones. The only time I had troubles was when the tank temperatures rose over 25C. I know what you mean by "cold water" though.
  6. Back in a "Traditional Christmas Ideas" thread, mcrudd gave us a recipe for Malva pudding. I finally made it tonight and will certainly make it again! Very delicious. We had ours with custard sauce as we didn't have any ice cream, the other option suggested with which to serve this dessert. I must admit to thinking I had copied the recipe incorrectly as it was very runny but it turned out excellently! Many thanks Mel :love:
  7. They are cold water fish, so it wouldn't bother them would it?
  8. I take it you already know Of tough and bough and cough and dough? Others may stumble, but not you, On hiccough, thorough, lough and through? Well done! And now you wish, perhaps, To learn of less familiar traps? Beware of heard, a dreadful word That looks like beard and sounds like bird, And dead: it's said like bed, not bead - For goodness sake don't call it deed! Watch out for meat and great and threat (They rhyme with suite and straight and debt). A moth is not a moth in mother, Nor both in bother, broth in brother, And here is not a match for there Nor dear and fear for bear and pear, And then there's dose and rose and lose - Just look them up - and goose and choose, And cork and work and card and ward, And font and front and word and sword, And do and go and thwart and cart - Come, come, I've hardly made a start! A dreadful language? Man alive! I'd mastered it when I was five! Or... When the English tongue we speak. Why is break not rhymed with freak? Will you tell me why it's true We say sew but likewise few? And the maker of the verse, Cannot rhyme his horse with worse? Beard is not the same as heard Cord is different from word. Cow is cow but low is low Shoe is never rhymed with foe. Think of hose, dose,and lose And think of goose and yet with choose Think of comb, tomb and bomb, Doll and roll or home and some. Since pay is rhymed with say Why not paid with said I pray? Think of blood, food and good. Mould is not pronounced like could. Wherefore done, but gone and lone - Is there any reason known? To sum up all, it seems to me Sound and letters don't agree.
  9. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We have learned to not pay for Saturday delivery as it rarely gets delivered on that day!
  10. Friends has a high lime content in their water and it caused major problems as it coated jug elements (so they were always having to replace them) and it also coated the aquarium heaters. They used rainwater whenever possible.
  11. If you know someone with a Feb 2004 issue you will find it there
  12. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Definitely not! The English version is a weird colour and runny, like honey. Tasted dreadful and nothing like Marmite is supposed to taste. We quickly learned to avoid it. We now have a loft ladder installed. All we need is a loft. We have the space but need a proper floor so we don't go through the hung plaster ceiling. Then a lot of the spare fish keeping stuff can go up there. Not the tanks though as they will be awkward to get up the ladder.
  13. Algae comes and goes in my pond, depending on season, without me using any sort of treatments at all. Barley straw does work, if used properly, on certain algae. There is an article about it coming in the next AW, which is due out in November.
  14. Isn't this an opportunity for "Baby's first club meeting"?
  15. I would have thought most of them would be too young to get a driver licence. I hope you are not going to send out unlicenced fish! :slfg:
  16. Going to build a little car for your fish?
  17. They are a very friendly bunch in Dunedin so you will soon meet lots of new people.
  18. There were some great photos from the Tasman Aquarium Club's latest Tank Crawl in the latest Aquarium World magazine Check out the clubs section on our main page for details about their club. Welcome to The Fishroom.
  19. Sounds like he may be getting frisky and she isn't ready yet. Perhaps barometric pressure combined with a water change set him off.
  20. "Hello, you look like you are in pain. What's the problem?" "Oh, nothing much, I am just a renal under excretor." :sml2: They say you learn something every day. I did not know that shrimps can have very high thiaminase content. :dunno:
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