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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. It may be someone from further south who swam upstream to reach a hospital where nobody would recognise them
  2. Simpsons and Neals. The Simpsons were the last ones to live in the pioneer cottage at Carluke until Grant's grandad built the place next door in the early 1930's.
  3. F15hguy perhaps we are related as my husband's family populated the Rai too. In fact one of his ancestors was said to have married the last full blooded maori in the area (much to the horror of both sides). My family came to NZ in 1858 (on my mum's side) but dad's side came later from Denmark.
  4. I know we have several South Africans here and a number of Asians (countries mostly not specified so far). If you are now living in NZ but were born elsewhere, where were you born and how long have you been in NZ? Just curious. 8)
  5. Not as bad as when our kids were little and my brother's 2 cats had 11 kittens between them and he was looking for new homes. Husband had developed an allergy to cats but when we all (unbeknown to each other) had pointed to the same kitten and said "If we could have a kitten I would choose that one", we said to the kids we would give it a go until the kitten was due for its immunisations and needed to be spayed. If dad developed a problem, as a result of the kitten, one of them would have to go. Eldest child said "Well I choose dad" whereas the youngest (aged about 8 ) said "Well I'd rather have the kitten!" He has never been allowed to forget that :slfg: Needless to say he now has a home of his own filled with cats, dogs, fish, chickens and frogs. PS. We did keep the kitten and Misty was part of our household for many years.
  6. I'm sure whoever it was is not going to own up! :facepalm:
  7. The big cotton ball would have been an opportunistic secondary fungal infection. Very common to develop over wounds. Often, after a while, you can knock or pull the fluff off and the wound beneath has healed totally. Sounds like something bit the tail off but bit it too deeply for recovery. Usually fish can grow back tails quite quickly but if bitten off too close to the body this is not likely.
  8. welcome and enjoy your time here. You need to consider replacing the husband with a more accommodating model
  9. I often hear people claim UGF's are no good for plants but this is not so. As long as you have a decent thickness of substrate they are fine. The filters today are much more efficient than of old plus the media is really high tech in the surface area they have compared to the basic stuff they used to use.
  10. I have a lot of plants and not so many fish. I did a water change the other day - the first it has had since February. In ye olde days there was little in the way of filtration often as not and if they did have filters, they were most likely to be under gravel or box filters.
  11. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Well if you are going to ruin a perfectly good cupcake, with caramel sauce, by slathering butter on it then you don't deserve one!
  12. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I fear something would go wrong with it! I have to bake one soon anyway as it is Grant's birthday next Thursday. I suggest you don't hold your breath waiting Anthony! :slfg:
  13. We will be passing through Naseby on Monday 1st Oct as part of our South Island Tiki Tour. I have a friend with a holiday home there and they love the area. When I Googled it the only results were the shops in Dunedin so I would say that is your closest option.
  14. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I find it funny that, as I type this, the song Bad Day by Daniel Powter is playing on the radio. I biked into town to get some groceries. On the way home I realised I had run over this... As I got off my bike to look, I realised my 2L of milk was dribbling out and I had lost over half of it! Turns out one of the wires on the carry basket had come loose and must have been wriggling away making a hole very near the base of the container :facepalm: At least I was able to lie the container on its side so preserved almost half of the contents as I walked the rest of the way home. I thought I had done well as I had also picked up a $12 pack of chicken drums, and I can get 7 meals out of the pack. We also have no email as Xtra business is broke Took Grant 2 hours and 3 different "help" people this morning to convince the help desk that there was, indeed, a problem. Still not fixed. Oh well, it is a lovely sunny day here with the slightest of breezes so I think I shall go sit in the sun and read a book.
  15. Caryl

    Sick WCMM

    I have never found white clouds particularly voracious when it came to their fry but they do eat them if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you want to raise them it might pay to separate them. If the tank is well planted with plenty of places for the fry to hide then I would leave them.
  16. Have a look at the various rainbowfish.
  17. Caveat emptor! I love that sign LA. Bet a lot of people thought they were getting a bargain too! Genius advertising
  18. Our club started by meeting on Sunday afternoons. This was in the days when shops closed at the weekends and only people like nurses, police, etc had to work so everyone was free to attend. These days it is hard to find a time that suits everyone with businesses running 7 days a week and many doing shift work - that also changes from week to week! Wednesdays seem to suit most as nobody wants to go out on a Monday (if they are a Monday - Friday worker). We found there were already many meetings being held on Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays were social nights for some. Tuesdays only suited half our members so Wednesdays became club night by default.
  19. I would disagree with that strongly!
  20. I don't think we had anything with it as we didn't have anything else to go with it. It is nice on its own with the syrup stuff poured over. It was way nicer than I expected with a lot more flavour than I thought it would have. I know how excited you are to finally be seeing your mum after all these years. I guess we won't see you in here for a while after her arrival :lol: How long is she able to be here? I am sure we will soon be seeing lots of happy family shots in Facebook :happy1: :happy2: :bounce:
  21. No, different stuff but the other will be around somewhere.
  22. Thanks for that. Mine does not work like that but I did find out how to do it in the end.
  23. Joe I have a 10kg bag of black, fine substrate that has a sparkle to it. It came with a tank I bought once.
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