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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. You have plenty now to start. If you wait for people to come to you then you are going to be disappointed. Read my sticky above this thread on how to start a club
  2. Java reproduces by sending up plantlets from those brown spots, or from where you cut it off. You can also encourage new growth by snapping or cutting the roots, or snapping leaves in half. It does not mind being left to float about or you can anchor it down if you prefer. Sometimes it helps to leave them floating until they grow enough roots long enough to slip under a rock, notch in some driftwood, or whatever.
  3. Not with the slower goldfish species as they could not catch them. The goldfish I saw were very large specimens and they totally ignored the minnows zipping about in the 5ft tank.
  4. Yes it depends on the type of goldfish. I have seen minnows living happily with fantails as they could not catch them.
  5. Great to see a decent shoal of shoaling fish :thup:
  6. He can bring in the aquarium equipment whether it is used or new. It is live stuff that is a no-no (or meds)
  7. You can't bring plants in without the proper licencing and quarantining - both of which he did not have
  8. I think we can only say "Try it and see" as it often depends on the individual fishes
  9. You were beaten to it viewtopic.php?f=17&t=59436
  10. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We thought we had lost her. She was shut in the laundry - we thought. When Kelly went to take her out so she could use the washing machine (we have learned the machine terrifies the cat) she couldn't find her. Searched everywhere. We got home tonight and started a grid search. Finally found her... She had been in the laundry all the time but had leaped up onto the bench and climbed into a bucket! We had looked in one bucket but not the other as it was behind the others and we did not think the gap between the top of the bucket and the underside of the cupboard above was big enough for her to get into without the bucket falling over with her weight. Phew! Grant and I went Go Karting and mini golfing (well Grant did the karting) with the MX5 Club this morning then across the road to the Truck Stop Cafe for lunch. Had some good fun and laughter then decided we needed pudding, which the cafe did not have, so all (9 of us) headed back to town to the Cornerstone Bar for some delicious Banoffi Pie and hot chocolate. :love:
  11. Sometimes you can have a "dead area" in the gravel. When you siphon, great bubbles of smelly gas erupt and these may cause harm to the fish but 'white stuff'? Are you using PH Up or Down? They can make funny fluff-like stuff appear on the gravel. I always stir up the gravel as much as possible when I siphon.
  12. I have no way to tell, just from the amount, how much difference a tank makes (indeed it makes little difference year round due to the room's warmth) to winter power bills. Our bill goes up in winter because we run heatpumps more but in summer we have the aircon going. Our bill will have gone up though as we have an extra adult living in the house so more power and hot water is being used. We have just had double glazing put in and will re-do the Batts in the ceiling.
  13. We do have a very active photography club in Blenheim Joe and they are a nice bunch of people who would probably be happy to help you learn more about the hobby. I work with one of them and the Dr's wife is also a member. They have competitions to enter as well. No prize money though, just a certificate.
  14. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Kitty is actually terrified! She is scared of everything
  15. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We went to the SPCA to pick up our foster cat. Her name is Camelia and she needs to get used to people so they can find her a home...
  16. You will have to rearrange the office now so people are not sitting with their backs to the tank
  17. My aunt, in Hokitika, has a woodburner with wetback. She says her power bills average $65 per reading
  18. They have them every month It is fun going to meetings isn't it? I like to put faces to names and, of course, see other tanks if possible. Rob's are well worth a visit
  19. Caryl


    Welcome. We have a number here for whom English is not their first language and, quite frankly, their spelling is usually better than those who only speak English!
  20. No water out of the tank here but boy the plants were swinging! I also had an empty clothes horse in the lounge and it bounced across the floor. I hope there is not too much damage in the Taranaki region. A friend across town said he had stuff fall off shelves.
  21. There was somewhat of a stink when the koi were discovered in that Nelson pond. It was then drained and the koi killed.
  22. I did but there was little of interest. The time to go is just after a lot of rain, or a storm, as native woods get washed down the river and arrive at the mouth all nice and waterlogged 8)
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