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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. How do you create a Google map with multiple destinations on it, without the blue line you get if you click on 'directions'?
  2. I am stable at the weight that is the top of my weight/height range but hopefully it will drop eventually back to what it was before surgery - if I stop eating so many treats! Mcrudd that Malva pudding was delicious!
  3. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I got to meet camtang today :thup: He now has an aircon unit for his fish room. :happy2:
  4. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Oohh that looks nice. I finally got around to making the Malva pudding recipe that Mcrudd mentioned elsewhere in the forums. It was very delicious and I recommend it to all!!!! !drool:
  5. You will have to come and search Joe. Everything has been moved for painters, builders etc. I know there is a bucket of some sort of gravel in the garage as I saw it this morning. The stuff that was in the 3ft is here somewhere (and it was fine and dark) plus I have some like in the 4ft (I think) plus some fruit salad somewhere that someone gave me.
  6. Pepper was a maroon belly and made a lot more mess when bathing than Rocket appears to! Pepper bathed in the sink and would get under the tap so the water would cascade everywhere. You can see pics of him here. He is sadly missed &c:ry
  7. How much do you need? I have various substrates here and some sand as well (somewhere)
  8. I would like to remind you all that this is the wanted to buy section and the original posted asked a simple question..."as above does anyone who buys in bulk have any for sale please". The first answer was "yes, HFF has it". I am sure if anyone else had it they would have also replied, either in the thread or via PM and the question was answered. If you wish to discuss the pros and cons of buying locally or overseas, please do so in another thread. tjc I apologise your original post has been taken over :-?
  9. Caryl

    Hello :)

    Welcome Laura. Anyone a bit bonkers will fit right in here! :gigl:
  10. :smot: but how do you change modes in Google? I have seen a number of "Do not Google this with safe mode off" but can't see why so I assume mine must default with it on. It is rare I see something 'not appropriate' to the thing I have Googled. :dunno: I fee I must be missing out on something :gigl:
  11. And make sure drunken idiots do not think it amusing to pour alcohol into the tank :roll: :facepalm:
  12. Caryl

    "Out there" fish tanks

    A really wet dream if the tank failed! You wouldn't want to sleep!
  13. Caryl

    some punny jokes

    They are not puns
  14. As said, don't kill them they are harmless and good fish food. They are actually midge larvae.
  15. How lucky to get a tank to try first! :thup: The selection of fish can be the hardest part but adds to the fun.
  16. Depends on the type of goldfish. Many would find them delicious
  17. Caryl

    Redundant parts?

    In my experience, heaters stick on more than off so running 2 would not necessarily help.
  18. Are you feeding them anything but blood worms? Those worms should be a treat, not an every day feed.
  19. Caryl

    bristlenose fry

    From experience I would say 3cm+
  20. Caryl

    Sexing Gourami

    Hmmm, I would have said both are female :dunno: Can be hard to tell, depending on the pic.
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