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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Peter Cottle just read this thread tonight at my place - and is astounded at the interest and the distance some seem willing to travel. He hopes nobody is disappointed! We say his Powerpoint presentation tonight and I am sure you will find it as interesting as we did. You will also like meeting Peter and his wife Sheila.
  2. A sad way to learn a valuable lesson Useless gits only jump at times like this. The ones you don't want never jump!
  3. So which suggestion was the answer?
  4. Caryl

    New PIKES!!!!

    What do you, your mum and your dad want in your new location? This would help us narrow it down.
  5. Would anyone who took photos of any part of the show, please email me any suitable to print in the AW? ie. reasonably focussed ones Hopefully someone will write a report on the event as well. I have emailed the Wairarapa club pres and asked for a report, esp results.
  6. I agree with Ira, once they reach a certain age all hell breaks loose! :roll:
  7. Thanks for that Shiuh. Looks like they had it well set up. Hope they had support!
  8. Caryl

    New PIKES!!!!

    An electrician should be able to get work anywhere but a psych nurse has to go where the most nuts are - Auckland probably :lol: The South Island is not for those who like a lot of people and traffic jams but great if you like extreme sports, spectacular scenery and a laid back lifestyle (and better weather) .
  9. Sounds good billaney. I hope someone does an article for me (and takes pics). Please let Marion know I am hoping for a list of the winners ASAP as I am holding the AW for this Show.
  10. I think you may have the answer there TimTam22.
  11. I'm sure it was GOOD bacteria Janet!! :lol:
  12. and they'll love the aphids! I assume you don't use sprays in your garden? If you do, don't feed the critters to the fish.
  13. I leave my 4ft community for a week at a time. It is well established and mature. Never had a problem (excpet for when the heaterstat jammed). They will survive 3 days no problem. If you can feed them live foods it would be better. Don't overfeed the bloodworms as they may pollute the tank.
  14. I have no trouble growin gplants using standard daylight and bright white fluoros.
  15. Have a look here http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/tancap.htm It is the water surface area that is important, how much filtration you have and how much surface agitation there is. You have 10 bottom feeders in there so make sure they get enough to eat. The silver shark needs a much bigger tank to grow properly. The pictus likes to eat neons and similar sized fish. The tiger barbs will nibble at plants and the algae eater will suck holes in the leaves. Gold nugget plecs are apparently very territorial and need 0.3 - 0.5 sq meters of territory. I suspect the barbs at least will eventually start eating the fighter's fins.
  16. I would keep up the water changes and keep an eye out for spots. I suspect a connection between the clamping unquarantined sword and the clamping rams. Clowns are sensitive and get white spot easily but rams are also very sensitive to water conditions. You need to check your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates too.
  17. Know any farmers (I know you are in Auckland but there are surrounding bits of green) with a water trough? Often a good source of daphnia but watch out for water boatmen or blanket weed.
  18. Lookin' good. How about a pic of it from further back so we get the whole tanks, stand and wall effect?
  19. I was supposed to be a judge there but it clashes with my mum's 70th birthday party - which is more important.
  20. It can be pixiejanet but can also be caused by ammonia poisoning or poor water quality
  21. PM Alan, he generally knows who has what.
  22. He's having tea with us on Monday 23rd (Labour Day) billaney so if you have gathered up all your prizes etc from the Fish Show you could pop over here - we are much closer. Peter is going to show me his pics so we can probably watch them on the big screen
  23. Some fish species are dyed - a cruel practise which also shortens the life of the fish considerably. These fish are genetically modified. I can't see what is wrong with the beautiful, natural colouring myself.
  24. Electric yellows (in fact all African cichlids) really need a minimum 3ft long tank. They grow large and are aggressive.
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