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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    my expereince

    Not sure how many litres in your 3ft tank as you don't give other dimensions but are you saying you added these fish to the tank that already had 52 other fish in it? What were the test readings?
  2. Welcome Steve. If you want to see an impressive tank, visit pies (Mark). Send him a PM, he loves to show people his tank.
  3. Contact tanksman I think he makes acrylic tanks and will know the ins and outs of shaping it.
  4. Blenheim doesn't have an Animates!
  5. nope. All red rotala at that end
  6. Thank you all. They are not huge Java ferns, they are medium sized ones attached to a great big hunka rimu I hauled off the Hokitika beach (and almost had a hernia)
  7. Happy birthday wasp :bounce:
  8. As a result of a discussion about plants in the chat room tonight, here is an updated pic of my 4ft community tank...
  9. Look at the dorsal and anal fins. The fins on the male are longer and more pointed whereas the females have shorter rounded fins.
  10. They do it a lot. It can mean they are just getting to know each other or, as stated, males seeing whose boss. What sex are they?
  11. You can use tape or, if the tank is close enough to the wall just sit the poly behind it. If it is for under the tank of course, no attaching is required.
  12. I am against adding anything to a tank if it isn't necessary.
  13. The daphnia clear green water but they must be able to do so before the fish eat the daphnia
  14. I imagine the Waikato Club would be closest. I am a little vague as to the exact location of Taumaranui (apart from knowing it is 'on the main trunk line' ) although I have visited relations there.
  15. The planaria are harmless so just cut back the feeding and vacuum thoroughly when you do a water change and it will fix itself.
  16. or polystyrene factories 8)
  17. and has something been changed recently? More or less fish? New food? Done a water change?
  18. Caryl


    Since I have external canisters I am sorry I can't recommend a suitable pump except to say buy the biggest you can afford.
  19. I too am worried about how she is cleaning the tank and agree with the others, the tank is way too small for a shark or angels. That fluff is fungus, which is a secondary infection usually from a wound, as noted. It may have got in a fight with another fish, damaged itself on decor, or been sucked on by the "sucker fish" depending on what it is. Can we get a pic of the sucker as well?
  20. I get a wallpaper scraper from the $2 Shop. They are wide and have a large blade.
  21. Caryl


    Marlborough's Anniversary Day today Erythromycin is a prescription only medication. What are you needing it for? I have a source 8)
  22. Caryl


    I am not at work so can't check but I think Maracyn is Erythromycin isn't it?
  23. Caryl


    I think it is only male oscars that would go blind and get hairy fins
  24. Great name, I love it :lol:
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