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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    New tank

    Yes you can use some media from the established filters. If the small tank the fish are currently in is not going to be used right away, move the filter over to the new tank too and run it along with the new filter. Saves mucking about with the filter media then.
  2. Welcome back mistymu 8)
  3. Caryl

    New tank

    Haven't they already got a tank running or have I misread it?
  4. Caryl

    New tank

    Put the new filter on the existing tank that has the fish in it. It will cycle there.
  5. My pills were 400mg each. It has been suggested 400mg/100L. Someone else said 250mg/100L. I seem to remember using 4 pills in my 280L tank which was probably overkill but I didn’t know the dosage at that point and it certainly worked without harming the filters or fish. I dissolved them in a cup of water first as they have a white coating which takes ages to dissolve. I siphoned out the dead cyano quickly (it starts to die within 24hrs) then repeated the dose 3 days later. Someone else asked and I suggested 2 pills for his 280L tank with a repeat, as above, 3 days later and he reported back that it worked well.
  6. Caryl

    4 foot tank

    I too run a Jebo 819 on my 250L
  7. I have the dosage at home so will check it tonight when I get home from work.
  8. I have never bred goldfish in a tank so can't help you. Anyone else?
  9. Has she got something to lay them on? They usually spawn on the underside of lily leaves or similar. People make spawning nests out of plastic pot scrubs and stuff too.
  10. Definitely a male with the hots
  11. Thanks Alan. Didn't think the hallway got that warm as it was near the back door so getting a breeze but came home for lunch today and the whole place was roasting from being locked up. Am coming down on the 19th for daughter's graduation so might be able to find time to visit if convenient.
  12. You might find the large one is female and the smaller one is a male. If so, she will ignore him most of the time (a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do :roll: )
  13. Caryl

    I'm back

    Welcome back and go check out listings at Trademe
  14. I figured alanmin will know. I got the culture from him originally.
  15. Wasn't actually sure where to put this. My white worm culture has suddenly formed a thin slime on the surface with few worms about. It also stinks - a lot. The media doesn't appear to be too moist. What went wrong? The smell is really bad and even several scrubbings with soap didn't get the smell off my hands for ages.
  16. Nelson - 1 and a half hours away.
  17. We don't have a pet shop here Oscarboy, just a garden centre with a few tanks.
  18. Anyone smoke in the house?
  19. Not quite right I don't think. Warren said how it works once but I can't remember exactly what he said. :roll: It does give protection between the tank and the hard surface the tank sits upon. The sleeping pads aren't as dense but I have seen people use just towels so I don't see why they wouldn't have some good effect. Better than nothing I guess.
  20. Brad is on the Gold Coast somewhere isn't he?
  21. Caryl

    Java Fern

    I think I might put some out in my pond at the edge and see how it goes.
  22. Caryl

    Java Fern

    If the killies can cope then the Java will as well
  23. How big they grow depends on how well they have been fed, especially as young. They can reach over 15cm
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