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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Room for us all to come for visits and go on driftwood hunts and native fish expeditions :lol:
  2. Being sorted shadowfax. My parents' church has a garage sale next week so it will go there. Old clothing goes to the clothing bins in town for the second hand shops. Most of the stuff going into the skip is old computers and monitors, no use to anyone. I hate having them go to the landfill but we have no collection place here for them like the big cities have. :evil:
  3. I put warm back into my community tank but that is because I hold my hand under the water to break the flow so it is nicer to have warm water than cold on your hand :lol:
  4. I can post him up if you really want him :-?
  5. We counted 61 in one pic but I think there may be more. They won't keep still long enough to count :roll:
  6. My Malawis loved their 50% water changes. Not only did they get a massive change in temp (thanks to the garden hose through the window trick. Tap on full blast through a trigger gun, the fish loved playing in the current) but the pH altered too :roll:
  7. He was designed to swim! :lol: He was removed from the pond once he wound down. No toys or fish were harmed during this experiment
  8. We got a big skip in over Easter so we are cleaning out the garage. My daughter has been here going through her boxes of stuff and throwing a lot of it out (so why did she have us store it for so many years!!??) One thing going into the skip was a wind-up Grimace. So we wanted to see how he would swim - very well actually, although he didn't go far... The fish took no notice of him at all! :lol: You can tell from the water ripples that his little feet were going flat out!!
  9. Yeah wasp, what age are you? I know several "retired" fellas in here. And I know I'm not the oldest female cos Jude is older than me :lol:
  10. Possibly not but it may. Just keep the water conditions very good and wait and see. The fish will manage.
  11. Just one eye? Possibly damaged it.
  12. How many gold fish would you fit in a standard bath? Depends on whether you aerate and filter it. I wouldn't put more than 4. You can have more when they are small but they grow fast and poo lots. Do you need to keep the bath out of the sun? Preferably have it shaded part of the day or it will go green very quickly and you won't be able to see the fish. Do you need to have any water circulation or airation? No Do you need to feed much or do they mostly live off insects? No you don't nbeed to feed much. Yes they will eat insects falling in. Can you buy plants from garden centers or should I go trade me? Do both or gather oxygen weed from your nearest river Which goldfish varietes can live outside? specificaly shubunkins. As far as I know, "shubunkin" refers to the colouring. You can have different types of shubunkins. Comets are good outside and fantails and veiltails. Depends on where you live and how cold it gets in winter. Can gold fish live with WCMM or tadpoles? Yes, they will enjoy eating them very much Do you need a substrate? No
  13. It is worth taking him in for someone to look at.
  14. They aren't that hard to come by in most areas. The tail will hopefully grow back if it wasn't chomped off too close to the base. It will be worth keeping alive if you don't put it back with the goldfish.
  15. What do you have to look left for? :lol:
  16. Anyone in ChCh and knows about goldfish able to visit nzlass and help? Clamped fins are a sign of stress. I can't see that you have done anything wrong. Although the tank had to cycle when you set it up, you did not overstock. Your feeding is good and so are the water changes. It could be at least one of the new additions had a disease and has spread it to the others
  17. Most things I have read say it is incurable. I wonder if your SAE may be having digestive problems rather than dropsy perhaps?
  18. Wow, sorry to hear you have been having problems. First, 31L is not really big enough to keep goldfish. They produce a big amount of waste and are very messy. Comets need a lot more room to swim too. I wonder if the original ragged fins was a result of ammonia poisoning. No way to tell at this stage now. How is Ron now?
  19. It isn't worth leaving the better island for Pics from last molly hunt http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... ?start=all
  20. Why? Totally Tanked is a fish club, not tortoise club. :-?
  21. It is a quarterly, full colour, 40 page, A5 size magazine published Feb, May, Aug and Nov. It is posted out free to all FNZAS members or available by subscription ($22 for 12 months).
  22. Ah but I then publish it in our magazine - I don't keep it for myself. A lot of fishkeepers do not (believe it or not) have internet access so do not have the opportunity to see it here.
  23. Here is the National Pest Plant Accord... http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/files/pe ... manual.pdf
  24. Looking good Simian. How about sending me a step by step on how you did it, complete with pics
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