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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Angels, even small ones, can suck fry through small spaces like you wouldn't believe!!
  2. May we have the full scientific name please for those who like the look of the fish but do not understand what neo trets is short for?
  3. Caryl

    Breeding Ideas.

    They like squeezing into tight corners.
  4. Remember you have to be hatching enough to feed your fry so the size really is dictated by how many brine shrimp you need to hatch at a time. I always used a 1kg Marmite jar. It floated in the main tank (attached to the side by a wire "hande" around the neck)
  5. I am not sure how sober Andrew was by Sunday. He certainly wasn't sober on Friday night! :roll: We appreciated you bringing Eddie Loopy. Although he couldn't see much, and was a bit muddled at times, he certainly enjoyed himself and got to talk to a lot of old friends. He told me he had someone to give the light to but I was wondering For those of you who are also wondering... Ediie won the biggest raffle of the weekend - A 3ft Arcadia Luminaire with double tubes (RRP $603.75), kindly donated by Bubble + Squeak. He doesn't actually have an aquarium on which to put it as he has goldfish outside in ponds :lol:
  6. If I received an email with the subject line in capitals stating EMAIL TO YOU, I would assume it is spam and delete it unread. We get over 100 emails per day (thanks to running a business from home and a husband who belongs to a number of car and technical newsgroups) I do not have time to read unimportant emails. I hate the sloppy lovey dovey "just cos you are my friend. Pass this message on" emails :evil: Never read them either, so if you have ever sent me one, I guess we aren't friends any more :roll: :lol:
  7. I didn't think we had then either but am not sure. Goldfish have been banned imports for many many years so they would only be here if someone had managed to produce them themselves or smuggled them in.
  8. Here is the new executive... Back row: Janey, John Eastwood, Jo, wok, billaney, Warren, Jim r Front row: Kevin (kneeling), zev, me, Dave, Chris The whole group outside WOW (World of Wearable Arts) I'm sure there is a story behind this one :lol: And we need a suitable caption for this unfortunate shot!
  9. Press your finger into the silicon. If it is still soft it should be OK.
  10. OK, OK Have a look here I've only named 1 so far. Will get to the rest.
  11. Welcome. Sorry for the delay but a number of us have been at the FNZAS conference this weekend.
  12. Caryl

    My tanks

    It is always hard to photograph those tanks :-? Looks like that one is the focal point of the room ! (as it should be)
  13. Wow! What a weekend! i think it was the largest conference we have had for some years. It was certainly the first to have a representative from every club in the federation. The weather was good, although a bit chilly. We met up with a lot of old friends and made some new ones. Raffled off over $1,000 of goods, kindly donated by wholesalers and retailers. Gave away a lot of spot prizes and auctioned off plants. Had a great bus trip and visited the World Of Wearable Arts, along with the classic cars. Went to the Mapua Aquarium, Redwood Cellars (boy did they do a roaring trade!) and Eyebright, the country store. Meals were tasty, even if we didn't get the custard for the apple crumble (as promised on our souvenir menus ) We had an in-house bar so those who wanted could go and watch the rugby, or attend the karaoke "White, Tight, or Bright" evening. Larnce Witchman, from Burkhart Fisheries, gave us a Powerpoint presentation on the production of artemia (brine shrimp) eggs for the aquarium trade. Very interesting. I would like to say WELL DONE to those Tasman Aquarium Club members who pitched in to make this weekend a success. Not only had they taken over the job of hosting conference at short notice but, being new FNZAS members, only one of them had ever attended a previous FNZAS conference so they were working blind. Talk about a steep learning curve! It all worked out in the end and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. We look forward to next year's conference which will be at Rings Beach in the Coromandel. Oh yeah, we had an AGM too :lol: Congratulations to our new president - Paul Billaney! (who also won most of the trophies) ...and I will upload pics as soon as I have them resized and sorted.
  14. Why have the area name in it at all? Just be Fish Fanatics. Or be Bay Fish Fanatics. But please keep it a lot shorter than the previous name :lol:
  15. Sounds like you are better off with your Asian name :lol:
  16. Two Dunedinite attendees arrived here about midnight. Now have to remember to pick wilson up off the train then wait for 3 off the ferry. All have lunch here then we will be off too! :bounce: My son and daughter in law are looking forward to feeding the fish (they will be here while we are there so we miss their visit) but will miss Bud. Bud has had his cage cleaned out and is all ready to go. 8)
  17. If you don't want them to breed then don't get girls. Are you sure you actually have 2 boys? It won't hurt him to make bubble nests all by himself
  18. Me too but I think it was water based paint. Cover the top of the tank with a blanket or something and make sure the room is well ventilated.
  19. Caryl A mixture cos my parent fought over the names Carol and Meryl :roll: Carol = melody, song (I can't carry a tune in a bucket) Meryl = falcon (I'm a bird :lol: )
  20. and me Wait until you see what has been donated for raffles! Plus we have Caryl's Treasure Chest - full of second hand goodies available for a donation.
  21. It was a first for me too! :lol: I put it on high then popped up to check the email. Dumb mistake. It was just as I remembered "Arrrgh the porridge!" and headed down the hall that I saw the smoke, smelled the smell, and then the alarm went off. :roll:
  22. We are pretty much salt free here but porridge is one thing that MUST have a bit of salt in it :roll:
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