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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. He started out quite cute Note the fish tanks behind him! Had a few hiccoughs in life which included 11 operations in 11 years - 2 of them were open heart surgery in Greenlane. Believe it or not this photo was taken after they had removed a lot of the tubes! He then had some interesting taste in clothes (he's going to kill me for this :lol: ). His friend Clinton is in pink. and hairstyles but I think he has turned out pretty normal. 8) By the way, he's 26 today and perfectly healthy :bounce:
  2. A little tank like that - daily water changes and no filter. Agree also that light not needed unless they keep you in the dark.
  3. Looking very nice with healthy plant growth. Love the plant on top of the wood in the 2nd pic. Is it Anubias? I would agree with aquatopia re backing
  4. Hi Tracy. Good luck with the guppies.
  5. Welcome to NZ 8) Wait until you hear we are having a BBQ for Christmas dinner :lol:
  6. Caryl

    is it true

    So Southern man, with your recent move you must have had to build a new fishroom. Got an article about it?? Or how you moved the fish?
  7. Some of them are re-useable I think. The others can be reheated but don't retain the heat anywhere near as long.
  8. PM or email Rob. I see he has popped in here recently, despite his busy schedule.
  9. Some of us mums also work from home I work part-time elsewhere too but not today.
  10. Kissing gouramis grow HUGE and will be unsuitable for your tank.
  11. Gorgeous sunny day here and just been for a walk up the Wither Hills and admired the snow in the distance. Washing hung out and not frozen. Just as well as I don't have a dryer :-? \No need for one in sunny Marlborough.
  12. It was the wild west in general. I doubt most of the attendees had ever heard of the film. :roll: They pick a theme every year just for fun. Last year it was from the film Oliver!. The year before was a ye olde hospital theme. We started with Prairie Pumpkin soup followed by Rattlesnake Stew with potato mash and chuckwagon veg with grandma's apple pie and ice cream for dessert. Starters in the foyer were whiskey (ginger beer actually) and chips. The food is all donated and cooked by us volunteers. Costs diner $21 per head and they also get to join in the sing-a-long between corases. We also got held up by a masked bandit but were then rescued by the Milky Bar kid who then handed out chocolates. 8)
  13. You already have some barbs. Get more and make it a barb tank. Barbs are hardy and can take cooler temps if the kiddy locks fail.
  14. I've just been to a dinner with a Wild Wild West theme....
  15. Caryl

    Jumping Neon

    Or maybe.................... he was pushed
  16. Caryl


    If they are like the commons they seem to go in cycles. Breed non-stop and then stop for no apparent reason. :-? Got plenty of tight spots for them to lay eggs in?
  17. Caryl

    Super Selco

    Yes, I would have replied if I had any idea whay super selco was :-?
  18. Caryl

    Jumping Neon

    Are the cichlids in the same tank as the neons? Might explain the jump :roll:
  19. Caryl

    Hi from Napier!

    Hi there Derwent and welcome.
  20. Perhaps they need blowing up Sorry, couldn't resist
  21. As said, watch for infections and fungal attacks and keep the water quality as good as you can. If it hasn't been bitten too far down it should grow out again.
  22. Or if you are that concerned, make a metal tray to fit under it.
  23. Never heard of the aquatic red pine (usually called red rotala) being referred to as rimu - that is a different tree.
  24. I think if you scattered it ouside the back door it may act as a deterrent to burglars :lol: Wouldn't want to get white fluff on their burglar outfits
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