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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I gather this fog is widespread? We don't get it often here and when we do it burns off quickly but this morning it was so thick I almost missed the turnoff on the way to work! I can just see the tennis courts over the road now so it must be clearing :-? This is the thickest fog I can remember seeing here and I have been here 45 years.
  2. Welcome to the fishroom.
  3. Denial at 4? Mine just turned 26 :-?
  4. Caryl

    New to forum

    Aren't the at the end :-?
  5. Caryl

    New to forum

    Welcome. There's a sticky under Freshwater on how to post pics.
  6. We had a parcel delivered the other day (not unusual around here, we are on first name basis with most of the couriers now). I didn't take much notice of it (in fact forgot I heard it land on the doorstep) until a phonecall from a man asking if I had his parcel as he had a tracking number and it looked like the courier had delivered his parcel to my place. I go and have a look. Definitely our parcel (an expected one from the USA with correct addressing on it) but the other guy's tracking number! Don't know if he ever got his own parcel. :-?
  7. We have a lot of unique birds and critters. Native pigeon, koreru The fantail has about 20 different maori names weka pukeko baby kea Fairy prion Tuatara pukeko adult black robin cave weta bellbird, kopara
  8. We have it in the local rivers too
  9. As said in my other post, Egeria densa is a banned pest plant. Anubias is common in aquariums. I was selling it recently but not sure if I have any left now.
  10. Egeria densa is a banned pest plant. There are several other plants named oxygen weed that all look similar. Elodea canadensis (Anachris) is the only one allowable.
  11. Let us know how you (and Henry) get on.
  12. I don't think you can get medicated food here (unless you do it yourself). Is he still pooing colour along with the white now? I htink the white is extra mucus due to an irritant so internal infection looks possible.
  13. You are welcome to cruise through my Photobucket albums http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/carylnz/ Specially the one called "New Zealand". It will give you an idea of our country. We don't have many flat plains. 3/4 of my island is made up of the Southern Alps :-?
  14. Now that's what I call a pond 8)
  15. What is she feeding them? Although white stringy poo can be a sign on internal infection it can also be from a diet with too much protein. Another cause can be poor water conditions. Those fish will need a much bigger tank and goldfish produce a LOT of waste. Comets are really best in a pond IMO.
  16. If there are plenty of hiding places and plants then a good number will survive from each hatching. Platies will reproduce every 4 - 6 weeks and you will end up with too many. Solutions: only keep males separate the sexes sell or give away the fry get another tank get a bigger tank get another bigger tank If you leave the female in there continually producing she will die anyway.
  17. Mine were both over 8lb too so I feel her pain :lol: Love the pic. Hope both mum and baby are well.
  18. I have some Erythromycin What size is the tank? You can always do a total tank blackout for a week and see if that kills it off.
  19. Sports shops have them, and camping places I think.
  20. One per bag. Ask at a lfs for bags. A heatpad would be safer for travel at this time of year. packing scrunched up newspaper around the bags will also help insulate and keep the bags upright if the ciller bag is larger than required. If you can't get a heatpad put hot water in a plastic bottle and wrap it in a small towel or newspaper.
  21. The following was a quote found on info regarding Melafix. It is the Freshwater section under the thread about Melafix... Both Melafix and Pimafix are organic compounds. The bacteria in the tank water (not necessarily the ones on the fish) these products don't kill, sometimes use the Melafix and Pimafix as food! This means that when you add these medications to a tank (especially a tank that has not been maintained well or one that hasn't had regular water changes) there is a small chance that a bacterial bloom will ensue and take up dissolved oxygen. This could mean that you could see, under such circumstances, your fish significantly increase their respiratory rate.
  22. Some really nice pics there. Nice waterfall too but SHOW US THE POND! :lol:
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