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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Flaptop - love it!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. Smaller tanks can be harder to maintain than larger ones so if you are able to keep a small tank looking good over a long period of time it is a sign of good fish keeping, not the work of a novice at all
  3. It is my understanding the bacteria starts to die off within about half an hour (I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong) but the majority will survive a power cut up to 24 hours if the media is kept wet. After 24 hours, and depending on stocking levels, you may have a mini cycle as the dead bacteria are replaced but water changes and careful feeding for the next 2 weeks ought to be enough to keep things fine.
  4. Bud has his own computer :lol:
  5. Sid Smithies used to hang rabbit carcasses over his fish ponds so the maggots dropped in too 8) I don't know whether maggots are good for reptiles or not though
  6. We used to breed some beautiful mauve ones.
  7. I must confess our venison casserole thing smelled divine all day but the taste was a bit disappointing. The next lot I Stroganoffed (on the advice of a friend whose husband is always bringing home freshly shot venison and pork) and it was much tastier! I saw a bit on Campbell Live tonight on how popular slow cookers were at the moment.
  8. I ended up with a carpet octopus :-?
  9. Do you not have a covered area at all in your aviary? That is where we put the nesting boxes when we had our aviary. The boxes were made of chip board. Come to think of it, our whole aviary had a tile roof (leftover from house alterations).
  10. I have been printing these for the past 3 days and almost finished. Have to wait for the membership cards (which Jane has also finished and, I assume, posted - despite being busy with her newborn) to attach to the Year Books. I hope to have them posted by the end of the week but aren't making any promises. They still all have to be folded, stapled, bagged, addressed and stamped. The August edition is always later, thanks to the delays when some clubs do not get their information and capitations in on time. This year one club's member list is missing as they did not send any details at all! Here is some of what you will find in this month's Aquarium World... Breeding silver dollars Tiger worms - good for fish or not? Conference report and photos Ultimate beginners' breeding guide Cryptocorynes Breeding pygmy corys Bumblebee gobies plus heaps more! Ignore wok when he claims he has already got his magazine :lol: I will let you know as soon as they are posted.
  11. We have had a cold water marine too but no pics sorry (before digital cameras ) We made ours a rock pool marine and it had all sorts in it, even a tiny octopus (until he escaped). We had chitons, brittlestars, starfish, anemones, sea cucumbers, a hermit crab, lots of shrimp, rockfish and triplefins to name a few. Had major problems in summer though as, without a chiller, we could not keep the temperature low enough. Even rock pool dwellers can only tolerate warmer temperatures for a short period.
  12. Even when she's armed with that dart gun Navarre? :lol:
  13. Welcome to the forums. I suggest you add your location to your profile (click on the User Control Panel). This helps when you are asking questions like "where can I get them cheap".
  14. I too appreciate the replies. We bought an FX5 when they were half price so now need a tank big enough to hook it up to :lol:
  15. That cage will be fine for one budgie, especially if it going to be let out regularly as well.
  16. Caryl

    Baby Bns

    Be very careful when cleaning out the filter as you may find a few fry have made their way in there! I have almost lost some down the sink over the years.
  17. How much height does one need to fit the FX5 under the tank and still have plenty of room for maintenance etc? I am thinking of finally getting a 6ft (I'm old, I still think of tanks in feet and inches) x 2ft x 2ft tank and am wondering what height the stand should be too look good with a tank of those dimensions and to fit the FX5 inside.
  18. I suggest you also get your budgie from a breeder rather than the lfs. Only because often the birds in the shop are already too old to train. We got Bud from the breeder, two days after he left the nest. Nov/Dec are when there are a lot on offer.
  19. Caryl

    Hi there

    ...who possibly smells a bit at the moment and looks underfed too :lol: Welcome to the nuthouse Tuffers :roll:
  20. I too would go for the budgie. Quieter and smaller sharp beak!
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