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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Is it cheaper to buy pond liner or preformed ponds? Depends on the liner and pond size. They vary greatly in price. Can you heat a pond efficiently? Why would you want to? Especially in Auckland What can go in a pond apart from goldfish? Paradisefish (but I don't think they can share the pond with other fish), white cloud mountain minnows, leopardfish. These last two can be hard to see in a pond though. In summer you can have some barbs out there too, like golden and ruby barbs. They can tolerate down to 18C. How do you run power from the mains to the pond? From a weatherproof socket via an RCD
  2. Good on you Alan. Breaking the cycle of violence can be difficult, especially if you have been raised to know no other way of life.
  3. You wear your boxers around the house?? I am sure there is a law against that. I hope you stay away from the windows
  4. What is the floor covering smcoleman? (and don't say the ground either :lol: )
  5. I asked my dad about this as we used to live on a farm with a stand of macrocarpas on it. He said they never let any calving cows or lambing sheep near them as the "fry" died. They had a pig farrow under the trees once and half were born dead and the rest were sickly and died. He said it seemed to be the leaves that were the problem.
  6. I have it all ready to go wok! I hope you find it worth the wait.
  7. Good to see you finally got him clean again! I doubt Bud would have let me wash him like that!
  8. I see. Lying about doing nothing eh? :lol: Congratulations, I hope all is well and stay that way.
  9. I would like to thank you all for keeping this subject well controlled. I was going to immediately remove it as, since it is based on a law and involves a referendum, that makes it political and therefore against the guidelines but you have all shown restraint and I hope you continue to do so. Discipline is a great thing but it involves a lot more than whether to smack or not. We now have a generation or two of children who have always been told they are wonderful and great (no matter what their behaviour) have never been told in school they are not working hard enough (not allowed to lower their self esteem) believe they can leave school with no qualifications whatsoever but go straight into a top level position with top wages (because they are wonderful, great and everyone loves them and you don't have to work hard to get anywhere) and think the world owes them a living (I breathe therefore I am brilliant!). I have 2 children. The eldest was one who always ended up getting a whack on the backside (after everything else failed) as she was one who pushed the boundaries as hard as she could to see how much she could get away with. Her younger brother was never smacked in his life as he rarely did anything naughty. When he did do something bad (and it was only ever a minor transgression) you only had to frown at him and he burst into tears. The eldest is now a prinary school teacher loved by children and parents. The other is a deputy registrar in the Children and Young Persons Court. Both are fine, upstanding citizens (with the eldest having had minor run-ins with the law - usually for driving after curfew on a restricted licence as she was sober driver for her mates), honest, kind to animals, considerate of others and nice to their dear old mum (especially when they want something :lol: )
  10. I heard that on the radio this morning too! :lol:
  11. Caryl


    Tell him it has taken advantage of cheap fares and gone to Aus for a holiday. After a few days post a postcard to your son, from the fish, telling him it has decided it likes Aus so much it has decided to stay :lol:
  12. I don't think so Ira as a guppy is not a ruminant. It doesn't kill all animals, just calving cows so I would give it a trial with a couple of fish and see what happens as I am sure it would look great. It is popular in furniture as it doesn't leach but by that I suspect they mean it doesn't lose colour in the sun, rather than it doesn't leach tannins out. :-?
  13. I have not used it in a tank but the problem with macrocarpa seems to be the isocupressic acid. It is this that causes abortions in cattle (but not sheep). Something to do with different rumen functions in these animals. Now, since fish are not ruminants, perhaps they will not be affected? The site I was reading from here added that "Other symptoms including severe depression prior to abortion and in some cases animals will die if severely ill." I was wondering how you can tell a cow is depressed since they always look that way to me! :-?
  14. Friends of my parents had a cockatiel that loved diving into the sink when they were doing the dishes. The bubbles didn't seem to bother him. They used to rinse him off then dry him with a hair dryer. He would fan his wings out and turn so the warm air dried him in all the right places :lol: You're going to name your budgie Whitey?
  15. That looks great Phil. I had seen photos of it but the video gives a better idea of the size.
  16. I don't keep fighters so can't help with that but to answer your air pump question... yes they can run quite warm and should run 24/7 if attached to a sponge filter. Make sure there is plenty of air flow around it.
  17. Oh come on, conspiracy theories are much more fun!!! (Aliens did it)
  18. So the new bigger tank will replace the old one? If so, just swap all over, including the filters. It will just be like them getting a good sized water change. Run the two new filters in it as well then after a month you will have spare filters to set up the 100l as well somewhere else
  19. It is advised to add an airstone or similar when using medications as the oxygen content can be lowered when using meds.
  20. Bud has 2 dowel perches and grit sheets on the bottom of the cage. He tends to eat the sheets though :roll: No need for a nesting box as you don't want that - especially with only one bird. As said, nothing with a mirrir or bright that he can see his reflection. This stops them talking. Bud loves toys with bells on, or in. We got him some little balls (actually meant for cats) with bells inside and he plays soccer all over the floor with them. His favourites though are a tennis ball and a slightly larger yellow plastic ball with big holes in. The tennis ball he can pick at the fluff and the plastic ball he can pick up through the holes and fling it about. Bud doesn't like his greens at all but does like apple, carrots and anything oaty or seed filled (biscuits, cake, muesli bars etc) and chicken . He also enjoys flinging peas and corn about or bouncing through your gravy (as long as it isn't too hot). He has cuttlefish but rarely uses it. I also added a little bird grit but I don't think he has ever taken any notice of it. He loves his seed bell but not the tonic one I bought as a treat.
  21. I have at least 10 6 pack size and 2 large poly boxes here (the Dr gives them to me so I get quite a collection each year after the flu vaccines arrive). I will be passing through Wgtn at the end of the month so could bring 1 or 2 (6 pack size) with me if I had to. Bear in mind I will be a walk-on passenger on the ferry so won't be able to carry many.
  22. Caryl

    New crowntail

    That's the worst case of fin rot I have ever seen :lol:
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