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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. It is my desk top icon that is refusing to work. I will replace it with one that does I got in by going through the url then logging in.
  2. I have just returned from the Binn Inn where I ran some peanuts through their machine to make peanut butter. I do this because Grant says the supermarket brand peanut butters have no taste these days. The Binn Inn lady claimed that was because they now use palm oil (up to 40%) cos of cost. I have no idea how the price of the stuff I crunched through the grinder compares with the supermarket stuff but don't care. Tinned fruit has no taste now either since it all comes from South Africa or somewhere but I don't think we can blame palm oil for that! :-?
  3. Here it is... Finally sneaked into Photobucket a different way. Must have got a corrupted file last night when we had power problems due to weather. The UPSs were beeping and burping and lights dimmed several times :roll:
  4. Looks like it I will try to enter it another way while they aren't looking
  5. Is anyone else having trouble accessing their Photobucket account? I keep getting a message telling me "We are doing a little work right now. Your image wil be back soon, Photobucket". I started trying yesterday and still getting the same message this morning
  6. Photobucket is still denying acess while they work on their site - again :evil: :roll: This seems to happen quite a bit lately. I will check again in the morning Lisa and hopefully get that pic up for you.
  7. Grant tells me the micro bit originally came from microprocessor. He is a geek (and a nerd) so is probably right :roll: They have reduced what they bring to display in the South Island because of transport costs, so one of the dealers told Grant. We used to find it annoying that they would display all the big ticket items, suitable for big business, when our customer base is small business and home users. There was a lot less on display this year too.
  8. I have sent you a PM with my email Lisa so you can send me the pic and I will put it up here for you.
  9. Caryl

    Coral shots

    Gorgeous suphew (the pics I mean ) :lol: Love the last two especially.
  10. If I had a 300L ank I would not put 6 tiger barbs, 6 green barbs etc I would put a whole heap of the one species! These fish look brilliant when in a large group, instead of a few of each. They really show their colours and schooling behaviour then.
  11. plastic :lol: Crypts are Cryptocoryne and there are lots of them all requiring different light levels. Anubias is Anubias with some variants Java fern is Microsorium pteropus with 2 or 3 variants Java moss is Vesicularia dubyana Check out plantgeeks.net as it is most informative and easy to navigate depending on the type of plant you are searching for.
  12. You might not have been trying but they obviously were :lol: Must be something in the air judging from the threads appearing in this section :roll: Congratulations to you all. Here's hoping you all manage to raise the fry - that's the hard part!
  13. They are worth attending Tsar and we find them fun and informative. Of course, you have to listen to a lot of sales pitches! :roll: :lol: They are heldaround this time every year.
  14. Where does it say the parents must be alive at the end of the 30 day period wok? This is news to me too (hunts for her YB to look up the rules)
  15. I never thought of them as a misspelled chicken :lol: Ingram Micro are the wholesaler from whom we buy a lot of our computer and peripheral stuff (printers, scanners, cameras, hard drives etc etc etc). I assume the Micro comes from Microsoft. Every year they do a roadshow in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch where they set up in a large venue in each city and have displays from the various companies whose products we buy from Ingram Micro (eg HP, Canon, Acer, 3M, Kyocera and many more). It is a chance for resellers, especially us little ones, to get a look at new products coming out, (being pushed) and time to have a play with some stuff we are unable to keep in stock (unlike the big chain stores) etc. It can be hard to sell a customer something when you have not actually seen it yourself, except on paper or screen. This gives us the opportunity to not only see the product, but to have a play with it too. We can also have questions answered and often get problems solved. We can gather CDs of information, product catalogues and leaflets to show our customers. It is also a chance to gather useless freebies :lol: . I have a great pen collection, a few post it pads, rulers, mini flashlight, bottle opener, a number of keyrings, stress relievers (you know those squeegie balls and stuff), Chupa Chups (I ate all the chocolate), caps, reusable carry bags and, a sign of the times, a couple of squirty bottles of disinfectant spray. :bounce:
  16. Not many this year we didn't think (although more than 4), compared to previous shows. We thought there were fewer exhibitors too. One said there were actually more exhibitors but they used smaller spaces for their displays but another agreed there were fewer of them. We certainly felt there were fewer resellers than previous years. The big draws have 12 prizes with 2 of them being booby prizes. Or it might have been 10 and 2 booby prizes. You had a form you had to get stamped from 10 exhibitors and the card went into a big clear box which they spun each time then rummaged through to grab a form. The person named had to be present at the draw. When your name was called you went up, answered a "skill" question" and then got to choose which coloured box you wanted. In each box was an envelope which was then opened and the prize read out. I went totally blank on my first skill question when he asked me what IT stood for :lol: . Luckily Grant reminded me (they don't mind if you get told the answer by someone else). On the last draw, a lot of the entrants must have left early as they drew 5 or 6 names of people who didn't answer when their name was called so, yes wok, there were more than 4 and they kept drawing names until all the prizes were gone :lol: A few of the stands also had boxes in which you dropped your business card to go a draw to win other prizes. Of course, the downside of this is you end up on their emailing lists :roll: In our case we then get everything twice!! :-? In past years, when it was resellers only, we would take our son and sign him up as a staff member so would get stuff 3x :lol:
  17. Should be easy to atach sucker cups to them. I was going to suggest Briscoes or similar as I had a pot with 3 plastic baskets, looking similar to those pictured, that fit inside the pot so you could cook 3 things at once in one pot (therefore saving power ) They were more a triangular shape as the 3 fit together in a round pot so the front edge was curved.
  18. Err yes zev. Last year we won a mobile phone, an MP3 player, a hard drive and a Samsung colour laser printer :roll:
  19. Caryl

    Low pH

    I assume the tap water pH is higher? Have you tried sitting a tap water sample overnight then testing the pH again? My thought too was you had big fish in there and it was their wastes causing the drop but they aren't big fish.
  20. Why was the goldfish armed with a rifle? :lol:
  21. Caryl

    Aquarium Rocks?

    We often pick up interesting looking rocks on our travels. A quick scrub and they are ready for the tank. Watch out for limestone or others rocks that can raise the pH.
  22. Caryl

    Low pH

    What size is the tank and what fish are in it?
  23. Grant and I have spent the weekend in ChCh staying with our son Gareth and his partner Dena. We went to the Ingram Micro Roadshow today. On Saturday we went around a few lfs but made a special stop at Animates on Moorhouse to meet up with the Totally Tanked crew selling sausages there. Hi to Humvee, Amanda, Loopy, Donna, carznkats, bdspider and spoon! 8) They were doing a great job and we bought sausages to show our support I bought some zebra angels from Organism to give to Dena for a belated birthday present. (She requested them) On Sunday we went back to Animates to buy more sausages (gotta show more support ) and cruise the car yards (didn't buy anything there) On Monday we met Phantom at the Roadshow then wandered around the exhibits, dropping business cards into the prize draw boxes and getting our cards stamped to go into the 3 big draws held throughout the day. Draw 1 and I won a booby prize of a bag of lollies. Grant's name was drawn next and he won a laptop bag (no laptop in it unfortunately) with a 12V laptop travel multi manufacturer DC adaptor thingie which also works off mains power. Draw 2 my name was drawn again and I won a Eaton Powerware 500va UPS Neither of us was drawn in draw 3 but later my card was selected from a prize draw box and I won a Fuji b/w network capable laser printer :bounce: Gotta love these Roadshows :lol: After the Roadshow we had time to go back to Organism and buy some giant danios for me!! :bounce:
  24. We were on Go Large but shifted to Full Speed 40Gb Plan (not sure what it is called) as Grant wanted ADSL2 and full upload speed. It has never slowed down on us however the Go Large plan was obviously throttled back most of the time. This meant Youtube was useless on Go Large but the new plan has no throttling as speed for us is excellent all the time. A 600Mb P2P download usd to take 2 - 4 hours. It now takes 6 - 12 minutes.
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