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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. we pop and checked via yahoo/xtra web. Neither works.
  2. Anyone else not receiving emails? Our gmail seems to be working but Xtra isn't. We haven't had anything come through since mid afternoon and I know messages have been sent to us. They aren't in the spam folder either. Our outgoing messages are reaching destination but no incoming. Grant is wondering if we have a Yahoo problem :-?
  3. How does being a virologist help you survive flu? :-? For the rest of you... Signs and symptoms of the new Influenza A (H1N1) virus are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and can include: + fever + cough + sore throat + runny or stuffy nose + body aches + headache + chills + fatigue Some people also experience diarrhoea and vomiting. Also, like seasonal flu: + the worst symptoms usually last about five days, but coughing can last up to two to three weeks + some very young children, people with some long-term medical conditions, pregnant women, and older people, can get very sick + in rare instances severe illness and death can occur. The World Health Organization says it will be difficult to tell the difference between seasonal flu and non-seasonal influenza A (H1N1). Most people will experience a mild to moderate illness and will be able to manage the symptoms at home. The key messages are: + If you have flu-like symptoms, stay at home for seven days after your symptoms begin or until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer. + If your condition worsens, seek medical advice by phone FIRST by calling Healthline 0800 611 116 or your healthcare provider.
  4. Don't forget, having a flu shot does not prevent you from getting the strains of flu for which the vaccine was prepared, it merely makes sure you do not get as sick as you would have if you had not had the shot. Good on you for isolating yourself. Take care, keep warm and keep up the fluids.
  5. I know pH tests don't go off. Our club once did an exercise where everyone came to the meeting with a film canister of tap water and one with tank water and we tested them all using everyone's pH test kits. Some were liquid, some were strips and one was a professional calibrated electronic job from the local salmon factory. All gave the same results, despite some of the tests being 10 - 15 years old and some new off the shelf. I don't ever test my tank water either but occasionally check the pH for interest. When water changing my African tanks I would half empty the tank then fill it up from the garden hose. The pH would drop from 7.4 to 7.0 and the temperature from 24C to 18C and the fish never minded. They swam in the current and played in the bubbles of cold water. :roll: As some of them were breeding regularly in the tank I don't think they minded the changes.
  6. What a good little driftwood discoverer you have there!
  7. Have you had a tank burst Lindyloo? :lol:
  8. Caryl


    Do not worry about the expiry date on pills. It is there to help us work out which stock is oldest so the product is rotated in the correct order. Pills are a very stable form and these can be used when past their use by date. Liquids are a different matter!
  9. Caryl

    Another Newbie

    Welcome. I bet there are a few here who envy you your job! 8)
  10. I too suspect they are stressed. This may be because of water conditions, tank positioning, or fellow inhabitants. It may also have something to do with what is on the kitchen counter. Is there something there they may be trying to get to? Is is blue and they think it is a larger tank? :lol:
  11. A lot of houses going up around here use polystyrene as insulation. It gets wet with no adverse effects.
  12. Looks like they will need to be removed from the discount list of retailers in the AW. Anyone know of any other shops listed that are no longer trading?
  13. That's a new one on me too! Are you cycling with fish?
  14. I don't think the need for driftwood is so great these days (as a dietary aid) as most bottom feeder pellets have the required ingredients in them.
  15. Welcome to the forums PP. Would love to see some pics of your tanks.
  16. Do you mean the Wainui Pet & Farm Supplies in The Strand?
  17. The fizzing is the air coming out. It will stop. I didn't know terracotta altered the pH. :-?
  18. Caryl

    Sore Betta?

    Most important - the water quality she is in. Keep that excellent and make sure she isn't hassled and she will heal.
  19. Makes you wonder how they got as far as the tarmac before someone noticed them - considering the speed they go. Perhaps they were hoping to apply for work as baggage handlers :lol: (just joking, and no offence meant to baggage handlers. I have never had a luggage problem myself)
  20. Caryl

    Pond cleaners

    Good thinking! I will get Grant to look into these options 8)
  21. I have had 2 BNs develop a blister in a similar place. I thought they might be getting damaged when fighting over females (or with them). One of my BNs recovered but the other died. Neither had treatment of any sort.
  22. Caryl

    I've come back

    Hi and welcome back Shelley. Good luck in the fish breeding endeavours.
  23. I did mean the receipt but whetu's suggestion has merit too :lol:
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