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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Black acrylic. The dark colours show up the eggs.
  2. You can feed grated ox heart but only as the occasional treat. Guppies are fine on varied flake foods. You have to be careful as a little heart goes a long way and will easily pollute the water if you feed too much of it.
  3. Caryl

    I have discovered...

    It's hard to tell eh Jude? :lol:
  4. Hi Pipefish. Where in Picton are you? The seahorse place on the foreshore?
  5. Congratulations! :bounce: Any pics?
  6. Filters are a relatively new invention in aquaria. They make life easier for the majority who are too lazy, or don't have time, to do regular, daily, water changes. If you plant it well, keep the sticking level low, and maintain a strict maintenance regimen, you can keep fish without any filtration at all.
  7. We will need to see the photos to see what sort of algae it is. What size is the pond? Is it filtered? Does it get full sun? Is there water movement?
  8. I almost want to go and buy a heater just so I can barter it for some cake :lol: The filter you describe (with the waterfall effect) is known as a "hang on the back" or HOB filter. These work well, as do undergravel (UGF) filters. If you have a planted tank and an UGF, you need at least 4cm of substrate so the plants keep enough nutrients around their roots. I am a fan of the good old UGF if the tank is 2ft or less (80L or less). They need a separate pump to run them and if you have a dual outlet pump you can attach other things to it as well ie bubble walls, airstones. The HOBs work well too and come in varying sizes depending on tank size. You need space for them to hang outside the tank plus the water level needs to be close to the lip of the overflow on the filter or the noise will drive you nuts! :roll: Many prefer an external canister filter as these are situated outside the tank so no need to try and hide them within the aquascape. You can get internal canister filters too.
  9. I thought you could buy balls for dogs at pet shops? Surely they have them the same size as a tennis ball that would fit in the thrower.
  10. Totally Tanked is a ChCh based fish club affiliated to the FNZAS Quite a few of their members are in here regularly so I am sure one will contact you in the not too distant future :lol:
  11. Welcome to The Fishroom. If you think this site is fantastic, you will love attending a Totally Tanked meeting :lol: You just missed their last one!
  12. Sorry but I don't think I have another one I can give you to kill :-?
  13. So what makes the phosphate levels rise in an aquarium? Our tap water has high phosphate levels to start with :-?
  14. :oops: Silly me for doubting you :lol:
  15. Many manage to cycle their tanks without realising that is what they are doing
  16. Warehouse and plant places will give you broken pots for free Mine would have been at least 3yrs before they started breeding but I do not know if this is so with others. As I have no idea which of mine are the parents now I still have no idea what age they need to be :roll: My driftwood all came from the beach at Hokitika. If you want gold BNs, don't keep them with the browns or they will interbreed and you will probably lose the gold colouration.
  17. Do remember that many of you are referring to different branches of these stores
  18. Don't cycle with BNs. They need an established tank. Guppies seem to die easily these days too Danios are good to cycle with but there is also the "fishless cycle" that is very popular overseas (but personally I couldn't be bothered with). A number of members here have done a fishless cycle I think.
  19. How do you know they are def? :lol:
  20. They will breed if they feel like it but if they don't feel like it - then tough cheese :lol: I had mine 3 years with nothing, then suddenly they bred prolifically for a year or 2 then stopped again. 5 years later, fry have started appearing again :roll: . Nothing had changed in the tank or with the maintenance in that time. I have no idea where mine lay their eggs as I have never seen them. The only way I know they have been up to something is when I suddenly notice fry zipping all over the place! Others have found they prefer tight spots under, or in, logs or rocks or similar hiding places. They don't seem to care how many of each sex you have, as long as you have at least one of each to start with Dad looks after the eggs and fry but they are pretty much on their own once they have absorbed the egg sac. They have large orange eggs and the fry are a good size when hatched. Fry wil happily suck on algae and wafers alongside the parents and other bottom feeders.
  21. Family always comes first! Have you thought of taking her and the kids to the meeting and telling her it is a surprise birthday party? It could easily be turned into one. :lol:
  22. Pollution levels never occurred to me when I was collecting beach sand :-? Stones do not absorb anything so as long as it is washed thoroughly there shouldn't be a problem - unless the beach you collected from has oil or similar on it.
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