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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Brilliant weekend. Well done Totally Tanked! :bounce: We had a great time, great food and great fun. I will get pics up as soon as i can stay awake long enough to sort them and load them into Photobucket.
  2. Hi Josh, I hope you enjoy your time here
  3. Good grief! I go away for a few days and look what happens! :roll: Since mac says he refuses to participate in this thread any more I think the thread can be closed. You can all have your opinions as to the size a clown loach can reach and you will have to agree to disagree.
  4. Still waiting for Grant to get home. He was called out to a fault in Nelson (so much for "I'm on holiday for the next 4 days") and is just coming through Kaituna so is about 20 minutes away. I have the fish and plants bagged and ready to go and am about to load the car. :bounce: Then all we have to do is have lunch, pick up Joe, get fuel, and pick up some stuff from my mum to take to an aunt in ChCh and we will be off! :bounce: :bounce: What have I forgotten?? :-?
  5. But if you have a wide fish it would need to travel head or tail down Who buys bags? I always get them from the pet shop when required. They have never charged me either.
  6. It's likely a guy thing to exaggerate size. I would tell the joke about why women are bad at parallel parking but this is a family forum :lol:
  7. and don't worry bdspider. You can't have too many cakes (chocolate or otherwise) and no cake would outshine mum's cake! I have just taken the pear and cinnamon muffins out of the oven but not taste tested as yet. Didn't have the right oil so used something else. I have also not tried the recipe before so it remains to be seen it they are edible. EDIT: Definitely edible when still warm from the muffin tin. Not bad, if I say so myself :bounce:
  8. Caryl


    For a while I would guess. My goldfish are in a pond so I am not too sure about suitable sizes for aquariums. According to the info I looked up a pair would need 80L but that is only a bucket's difference.
  9. Caryl

    hello :)

    Welcome. Hope you learn a lot and enjoy your time here.
  10. Caryl

    Hey all

    Hi Edmund and welcome. Always keen to see what aquascaping people come up with.
  11. "try and support the local scene and help people out" you say. Exactly! The problem will resolve itself soon when dial-up will no longer be available - and that time is coming soon. Why are you all getting upset by one person complaining about image size restrictions? If he wishes to moan about it every time he adds a link to his large pics elsewhere then let him do so. Just ignore it and click on the link if you wish. In the old days, when I had dial up, I didn't look at any pics as they took too long to load.
  12. Most will be creating enough hot air to warm everyone (We can just ignore Jim or lock him outside :lol: )
  13. Colin, a member in Mosgiel, has a number of clown loaches over 20 years old. They would be around 25cm I estimate.
  14. Don't stress out bdspider. I am sure the whole weekend will go smoothly. It is certainly the most well planned/organised I have seen. If there are problems, we will sort them out at the time. I can't see anything major going wrong and we are all very forgiving As long as everyone is warm and well fed they won't complain. 8)
  15. Good thing I don't have to weigh in at Weight Watchers until the end of the month! :bounce:
  16. Caryl


    The fancy goldfish can be good to keep but they need a good sized tank as they are very messy fish and produce a lot of waste. Do not get the common short finned varieties as these need a lot of swimming room and are better in ponds. True orandas are very expensive but there are cheaper hybrids available at pet shops I think. Goldfish, the smaller fancy ones, need at least 40L per fish.
  17. Caryl

    Hi all.

    Welcome. This is a good hobby for the whole family. 8)
  18. There is no need to have a tank set up permanently. I keep a small, extra, filter running in a main tank. When a Q tank is required, I get out the small one I have then add water from the main tank and the filter and it is ready to go. I usually use one of those plastic Critter Keepers and they float in the main tank well so I don't need an extra heater.
  19. Caryl


    Same fish by the way - gambusia are also known as mosquitofish Vicious things they are too!
  20. Caryl


    It is quite possible they are mosquito fish and illegal.
  21. Grant had an 11 hour day yesterday then just got into bed when he was called to an emergency fault in Kaikoura at 11.30pm. He finally got home at 4.30am. He is currently in Clarence (halfway-ish to Kaikoura) on another fault and might get home by 6pm or he might not :roll: So yesterday he worked 16 hours too, but that doesn't include the 4 or more hours he did for our own company in between callouts. We don't want the other stuff mixed in with the custard thanks :-?
  22. We work from home so deal with all the couriers. Here, Fastways is very poorly named :roll: I have not couriered fish so don't know what the local policy is.
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