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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I have a major problem in my 250L (approx) community tank. Haven't had white spot for over 25 years but I have now! All was fine last Sunday ('cos Joefish! spent ages studying them during our fish meeting) then he visited again on Wednesday and noted all the Rhom barbs were covered in whitespot. As they had been behaving normally (from where I could see them across the room) I had not noticed. I added whitespot treatment according to directions. Can't raise the temp as the tank sits on a heat pad with a thermostat so encrusted we can't turn the knob higher, so temp is 24C. Both my spare heaterstats are out on loan :roll: Yesterday I netted out 4 dead fish - 1 rhom barb, 1 golden barb, 1 giant danio, 1 odessa barb. Did a 90L water change, cleaned out filter and added more treatment. No further deaths today (that I can find bodies but possibly some smaller dead have been eaten. The Hengeli numbers are down but hard to count fish in a heavily planted tank) but fish not happy, although the majority are swimming as normal. Two hoplos are out in the open - most unusual as I only see them when they feed, and 1 defiintely has spots. pH - 7.0 Ammonia - 0 NitrAte - barely colour on lowest reading level of 5 The rest of my test kits are so old they are innacurate. I have no idea what has caused the outbreak but will sit tight and see what survives I guess, apart from adding the teatment. I know many suggest adding salt but I am not keen. Apart from the whitespot, fish look and act normal with only minor clamping on a couple of golden barbs. The gouramis are not well but they are geriatrics now so didn't look 100% to start with. I would treat the cause if I knew what it was! :-?
  2. I have 4 so far. All really good and all totally different! :bounce: Come on, send your ideas.
  3. Caryl


    That too is illegal
  4. But the nice warm heads go out into the cold environment
  5. Perhaps it is too cold in Alaska for nits 8) I don't remember anyone having nits when I was at school and have never had them myself. My kids never got nits when they were at school but I can remember a couple of outbreaks. I suspect the "not allowed to check as it invades privacy" might have something to do with a rise in numbers :-?
  6. Since FNZAS members are the one eligible for the cards I should think it only fair they be the ones to judge. I am happy to listen to other opinions though
  7. Apart from my own ideas - 2 so far but I am hoping for more after the weekend when people may have more time to think about it and work on their designs. The 2 submitted are great and totally different to each other. I figured I might post the entries in a week or so and run a poll or ask what members think.
  8. Still no pics of the blonde vet then? :lol:
  9. Caryl

    Lego fish tank!

    I had better not say what I think of it as I might have to send myself a warning! :-?
  10. I use a 1kg Marmite or peanut butter jar then you just have to drill a small hole in the lid. A wrap of wire around the neck hooks it over the tank edge and so it sits within the main tank so doesn't need a heater.
  11. "Nits like clean hair" is a myth apparently. :-?
  12. Developing very nicely!
  13. The only time I have been troubled with green dot algae is in winter when the sun is low enough to shine under the verandah and into the lounge so direct sunlight (albeit weak winter sun) hits the front tank glass for a couple of hours or so a day. I get the spots in a small area of the front glass only, where the sun hits.
  14. Very pretty. You should get a prize for that zev!
  15. I too would change insurance companies if mine did that when it wasn't my fault.
  16. It pays to wait until the water is warmer too We have the same problem here with floods and dirty water too :roll: You want some duckweed?
  17. The Dr I work for breeds Birmans also. We invariably have a Birman or 2 alseep in the surgery waiting room and kids love coming to the Dr because they get to see the latest kittens :lol:
  18. I can give you duckweed if you want it. Alan sells plants most of the time. PM him and ask.
  19. When I had goldfish in a tank I gathered oxygen weed from the local river. Free! Then, when it got eaten it was easy to replace. I also found Java fern and sprite survived regular goldfish onslaughts, or, in the case of the sprite, grew fast enough to keep up with the nibbling :roll:
  20. They require regular trimming a lot as they get out of hand quickly, once established.
  21. I have decided our membership cards need an update. Anyone like to have a go designing new ones? They will be printed here at home on a colour laser, not professionally, on A4 sheets and cut on a guillotine. I use Word and Publisher but if done as a high quality graphics file I can use most in both these programmes. I should be able to fit 12 to a page (2 rows of 6) The basic requirements; Card needs to be business card size eg 9cm x 5.5cm (or slightly smaller) Must have FNZAS logo (see top left of page) and name Validity dates (Aug 2010 - 2011) as cards are renewed annually Current cards also have "Membership Card" written on them (helps identify what they are so probably a good idea to have on yours too 8) ) the FNZAS treasurer's signature and states that XXX is a current member These last two you may think are unnecessary What do you think? Want to give it a go? I am playing around with ideas at the moment and may or may not use any other suggestions, or a mix of ideas. Email your designs or suggestions please. You have a week or two to come up with something Remember the KISS principle!
  22. Caryl

    worm farm

    Don't forget if you feed the worms rubbish they will taste like rubbish and the fish won't eat them
  23. Caryl


    Gambusia are often referred to as mosquito fish and are illegal. If he is selling them on TM then someone needs to know
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