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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. We could title it something like - Hair Algae - Cures and Treatments :lol:
  2. How many spare beds do you have Deepsound?
  3. The 2 big holey stones look great. Don't forget they will not stand out as much as the plants surrounding them grow.
  4. We can remove the aerials first (and side mirrors etc) but car washes don't wash the rear end of 4WDs very well.
  5. This is true Jaxxnz! We have to remove them first. Petrol station overhead lights can also be a problem but most are high enough these days. They used to be a lot lower and you would hear bang bang bang as they whipped across the fluorescents :lol:
  6. Thermal undies, good thick jacket, gloves, scarf and hat. There will be a biting wind straight off the snow
  7. Sorry smidey and ryanjury, you both did say exactly what I suggested, before I suggested it :roll:
  8. Aerials are.... 1. GPS tracking transmitter 2. Wide coverage receiver for testing transmitters 3. PRS for general purpose commuications with public, espcially other 4WD users 4. VHF/UHF transmitting and receiving transmitter 5. big one on the back (really stupid looking one) 1.8 - 30Mhz tunable HF antenna transmitting and receiving 6. VHF/UHF connected to ambulance radio and commercial trunked radio for testing purposes 7. 2nd monitoring receiver antenna 8. Another VHF/UHF for Amateur Radio use 9. Broadcast aerial for AM/FM radio 10. GPS receiver on dashboard :roll: Someone did say it was the worst case of van aerial disease he had ever seen :lol: Very useful when providing communications for events like the Silver Fern Car Rally, Grape Race and other stuff.
  9. Grant made sure he had his survival pack in the vehicle when he had to go up Black Birch today. He almost didn't make it back down. It wasn't too bad at the summit but was snowing heavily on the way back down. He was late home the other night after a slip came down while he was at another work site. He had to phone the farmer to bring a tractor with suitable slip removing implements to clear the road.
  10. I was thinking 'whole' as opposed to one and a half panaques :lol:
  11. Or put poly around the tank. You aren't sitting there looking at it anyway.
  12. Sorry you aren't feeling so good today Joe. Hope you are better by next Friday! I don't think we will go until after lunch so no rush to get away.
  13. You'll have more luck getting the 2 bottles and using more yeast and sugar than you would getting another tank Joe Have you got another teacher only day?? Are you taking a half day or whole day off school next Friday or do we have to wait until school finishes to leave for conference?
  14. and I will have to bring a whip by the sounds of it. Debate and free speech is good as long as it is polite and constructive.
  15. Well as long as you are willing to cleanup after it I am sure we could make allowances
  16. Yep :lol: It might encourage you to try harder to attend next year
  17. I am not Phoenix44 or cricketman and do not run my system the same way but... Because the gravel alone can't process all the waste, even though it can make use of it. I rarely vacuum my substrate, have a heavily planted tank, average stocking level and never use fertilisers, CO2 or other additives. A good sized filter will keep the water clear too. The detritus isn't so much "trapped" in the filter but "used".
  18. Perhaps a pic of some of the items donated for raffles and prizes - just to show those not going what they are missing
  19. Caryl

    Whiptail ID

    Ah but is he right? :-?
  20. From what I understand Alan it is definitely the wet/dry, not the brand but it has put me off the brand itself, especially when emails to the company went unanswered.
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